Research Article
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Examining of the Consumers’ Shopping Mall Experiences within the Framework of Third Place Theory

Year 2016, Volume: 8 Issue: 2, 122 - 143, 01.04.2016


The main purpose of this study is to examine social experiences of young people in a shopping mall, contextual details of these
experiences and whether the shopping mall carries a third place feature conceptualized by Oldenburg aspect of these
experiences. For this purpose, a qualitative research is caonducted using together photography-based narrative and semistructured
interviews techniques. A shopping mall in Konya has created field to this research conducted with the participation
of university students. The obtained data were analyzed by the induction method (content analysis). The findings show that the
social experiences which are experienced by young people and coinciding with the third place features classified in five basic
categories including "social relationship or social interaction, symbolic, escape, social comfort and freedom" experiences. Also it
was determined the majority of the social experience of the participants in the shopping mall context place on the basis of
"consumer-to-consumer" interaction.


  • Ahola, E.K. (2005). How is the Concept of Experience Defined in Consumer Culture Theory? Discussing Different Frames of Analysis, Kuluttajatutkimus. Nyt. 1/2005: 91-98. Aldosemani, T. (2014). Second Life as Third Place for Ells’ CrossCultural Interaction, University of Laramie, Wyoming. Babin, B. J., Darden, W. R. & Griffin, M., (1994). Work and/or Fun: Measuring Hedonic and Utilitarion Shopping Value, Journal of Consumer Research, 20, 4: 644-656. Baker, J. & Haytko, D. (2000). The Mall as Entertainment: Exploring Teen Girls’ Total Shopping Experincies, Journal of Shopping Center Research, 7, 1: 29-58. Belk, R. W. (1988). Possessions and the Extended Self, Journal of Consumer Research, 15, 2: 139-168. Blodgett-Mcdeavitt, C. S. (1997). Meaning of Participating in Technology Training: A Phenomenology, blodgett.htm. Bogdan, R. C. & Biklen, S. K. (1998). Qualitative Research for Education: An Introduction to Theory and Methods, Boston: Allyn and Bacon. Brantlinger, E., Jimenez, R., Klingner, J., Marleen, P. & Virginia, R. (2005). Qualitative Studies in Special Education, Exceptional Children, 71, 2: 195-207. Caru, A. & Cova, B. (2008). Small Versus Big Stories in Framing Consumption Experiences, Qualitative Market Research: An International Journal, 11, 2: 166-176. Cebryzynski, G. (1999). Restaurants may Want to Get Wired to Reach, Generation Youths’ Nation’s Restaurant News, 3310: 14. Craig, C.A. (1993). Here, There and Everywhere: The Shopping Centre in the Real World And The Imagination, Ottawa: Depatment of Mass Communation, Carleton University, March. Crick A. P. Dr. (2011). Rethinking Oldenburg: Third Places and Generation Y in a Developing Country Context, International CHRIE Conference, July 29. Davies, A. & Elliot, R. (2006). The Evolution of the Empowered Consumer, European Journal of Marketing, 40, 9/10: 1106-1121. Denisco, A. & Napolitano, M. R. (2006). Entertainment Orientation of Italian Shopping Centres: Antecedents and Performance, Managing Service Quality, 16, 2: 145-166. Denzin, N. K. & Lincoln, Y. S. (2000). Handbook of Qualitative Research, London: Sage Publications. Gilboa, S. (2009). A Segmentation Study of Israeli Mall Customers, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 16: 135-144. Gilly, M. C. & Wolfinbarger, M. (2000). A Comparison of Consumer Experiences With Online and Offline Shopping, Consumption, Markets and Culture, 4, 2: 187-205. Glover, T. D. & Parry, D. C (2009). A Third Place in the Everyday Lives of People Living with Cancer: Functions of Gilda’s Club of Greate Toronto, Health & Place, 15: 97-106. Goss, J. (1993). The Image of the Mall’: An Analysis of Form, Function, and Meaning in the Contemporary Retail Built Environment, Annals of the Association of American Geopraphers, 83, 1: 18-47. Griffin, A. (2014). Social Forms and Culture within Miller Park, Illinois State University: Illinois, United States. Haanpaa, L. (2005). Shopping For Fun of For Needs? A Study of Shopping Values, Stlies and Motives of Finnish Consumers in 2001-2003, 7th Conference of European Sociological Association, Torun, Poland Sociology of Consumption: Shopping and Consumer Typologies, 1-16. Harris, L. C & Reynolds, K. L. (2003). The Consequences of Dysfunctional Customer Behavior, Journal of Service Research, 6, 2: 144–61. Haytko, D. L. & Baker, J. (2004). It’s all at the Mall: Exploring Adolescent Gırls’ Experiences, Journal of Retailing, 80: 67-83. Joy, A. & Sherry, J. F. (2003). Speaking of Art as Embodied Imagination: A Multisensory Approach to Understanding Aesthetic Experience, Journal of Consumer Research, 30, 2: 259- 282. Juzkiw, A. (2007). The Islington Gallery of Art: An Architectural Implementation of ‘The Third Place’, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada. Kang, J., Kim, Y.-K. & Tuan, W.-J. (1996). Motivational Factors of Mall Shoppers: Effects of Ethnicity and Age, Journal of Shopping Center Research, 3, 1: 7-31. Kim, E., Y. & Kim, Y-K. (2005). The Effects Of Ethnicity And Gender on Teens’Mall Shopping, Motivations, Clothing And Textiles Research Journal, 23, 2: 65-77. Kim, Y.-K., Kang, j. & Kim, M. (2005). The Relationship Among Family and Social Interaction, Laneliness, Mall Shopping Motivation, and Mall Spending of Older Consumers, Psychology&Marketing, 22, 12: 995-1015. Kim, Y.-K., Kim, E Y. & Kang, J. (2003). Teens’ Mall shopping Motivations: Functions of Loneliness and Media Usage, Family and Consumer Sciences Research Journal, 32, 2: 140-167. Krauss, S. E. (2005). Research Paradigms and Meaning Making: A Primer, The Qualitative Report, 10, 4: 758-770. Lieberg, M. (1995). Teenagers and Public Space, Communication Research, 22, 6: 720-44. Manzo, J. (2005). Social Control and the Management of ‘Personal’ Space in Shopping Malls, Space&Culture, 8, 1: 83-97. Marques, J. F. & McCall, C. (2005). The Application of Interrater Reliability as a Solidification Instrument in a Phenomenological Study, The Qualitative Report, 10, 3: 439-462. Martin, C. L. (1996). Customer-to-Customer Relationships: Satisfaction with Other Consumers’ Public Behavior, Journal of Consumer Affairs, 30 1: 146–69. Matthews, H., Taylor, M., Percy S. B. & Limb, M. (2000). The Unacceptable Flaneur: The Shopping Mall as a Teenage Hangout, Childhood, 7, 3: 279-294. McGrath, M. A. & Otnes, C. (1995). Unacquainted Influence: When Strangers Interact in the Retail Setting, Journal of Business Research, 32, 3: 261-272. Michon, R. & Chebat, J.-C. (2004). Cross-Cultural Mall Shopping Values and Habitats: A Comparison Between English-and FrenchSpeaking Canadians, Journal of Business Research, 57: 883-892. Mikunda, C. (2004). Brand Lands, Hot Spots & Cool Spaces: Welcome to the Third Place and the Total Marketing Experience, PA: Kogan Place. Moore J. F. (2012). Riccarton-The Art of the Third Place in a First Suburb, Lincoln University. Moye, L. N. & Kincade, D. H. (2002). Influence of Usage Situations and Consumer Shopping Orientations on the Importance of the Retail Store Enviroment, The International Review of Retail, Distribition and Consumer Research, 12, 1: 59- 79. Odabaşı, Y. (2004). Postmodern Pazarlama: Tüketim ve Tüketici, İstanbul: MediaCat. Odabaşı, Y. (2006). Tüketim Kültürü: Yetinen Toplumdan Tüketen Topluma, 2. Baskı, İstanbul: Sistem Yayıncılık. Oldenburg, R. (1989). The Great Good Place: Cafes, Coffee Shops, Community Centers, Beauty Parlors, General Stores, Bars, Hangouts and How They Get You Through the Day, New York: Paragon House. Oldenburg, R. (1999). The Great Good Place, New York: Marlow. Oldenburg, R. (2003). The Third Place, D. Levinson ve K. Christensen (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Community: From the Village to the Virtual World, Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 1373-1375. Pajouh, H. D., Saraf M., Babamohamabi S. & Taghibakhsh M. (2014). Evalution of Third Place Theory in the Context of Local Social Places, Journal of Applied Sciences Research, 10, 4: 301-312. Piacentini, M. & Mailler, G. (2004). Symbolic Consumption in Teenagers Clothing Choices, Journal of Consumer Behaviour, 3, 3: 251-262. Pine, B.J. & Gilmore, J.H. (1998). Welcome to the Experience Economy, Harvard Business Review, 176, 4: 97- 105. Riley, R. (1992). Attachment to the Ordinary Landscape, I. Altman ve S. Low (Eds.), Place Attachment, New York: Plenum Press. Rintamaki, T., Kanto, A., Kuusela, H. & Spence., M. T. (2006). Decomposing the Value of Department Store Shopping in to Utilitarion, Hedonic and Social Dimensions, International Journal of Retail&Distribution Management, 34, 1: 6-24. Ritzer, G. (2005). Enchanting a Disenchanted World: Revolutionizing the Means of Consumption, 2. Edition, California: Pine Forge Press. Schau, H. J. (2000). Consumer Imagination, Identity and SelfExpression, Advances in Consumer Research, 27: 50-56. Schmitt, B. (1999). Experiential Marketing: How to Get Customers to Sense, Feel, Think, Act and Relate to Your Company and Brands, New York: Free Pres. Seamon, D. (2000). Phenomenology, Place, Environment and Architecture, A Review of The Literature,, 2000. Setlow, C. (2001). Younger Consumers Hit the Mall, DSN Retailing Today, 40, 15: 16. Sit, J. (2003). Understanding Youth Motivations of Entertainment Consumption at Shopping Centers: Implications for Shopping Centre Marketing, ANZMAC, Conference Proceedings, Adeladie, 1-3 December 2003: 300-306. Stedman, R.C. (2003). Sense of Place and Forest Science: Toward a Program of Quantitative Research, Forest Science, 49, 6: 822–829. Stokowski, P.A. (2002). Languages of Place and Discourse of Power: Constructing New Senses of Place, Journal of Leisure Research 34, 4: 368–382. Swinyard, W. R. (1998). Shopping Mall Customer Values: The National Mall Shopper and the List of Values, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 5, 3: 167-172. Tabak, B.İ., Özgen, Ö. ve Aykol, B. (2006). High School Girls’ Shopping Mall Experiencies Perceptions and Expectations: A Qualitative Study, Ege Akademik Bakış Dergisi, 6, 1: 100-113. Taylor, S.L. & Cosenza, R.M. (2002). Profiling Later Aged Female Teens: Mall Shopping Behavior and Clothing Choice. Journal of Consumer Marketing, 19, 5: 393-408. Thomas, M. (2001). Sociability and The Coffee Sack: Testing Oldenburg’s Concept of the Third Places, Department of Sociology and Antropology. Ottawa, Ontario: Carleton University. Uygun, M. (2015). Üçüncü Mekân Olarak Alışveriş Merkezleri, Bakü: 13. Uluslararası Türk Dünyası Sosyal Bilimler Kongresi, 28- 31 Ekim 2015, Bildiri Kitabı, Türk Dünyası Araştırmaları Vakfı, 701-716. Uygun, M. (2010). Tüketim Deneyimlerinin İncelenmesinde Bütünleşik Bir Yaklaşım: Fotoğrafa Dayalı Öyküleme, 15. Ulusal Pazarlama Kongresi Bildiriler Kitabı, Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi, İzmir, 2010, 79-94. Verhoef, P. C., Katherine N., Lemone, A., Roggeveen, A., Parasuraman, M., Tsiros & Schlesinger, L. (2009). Customer Experience Creation: Determinants, Dynamics and Management Strategies, Journal of Retailing, 85, 1: 31-41. Wallendorf, M. & Belk, R.W. (1989). Assessing Trustworthiness in Naturalistic Consumer Research, E.C. Hirschman (Ed.), Interpretive Consumer Research, Association for Consumer Research, Provo, UT, 69-84. Waxman, L. K. (2004). More Than Coffee: An Examination of people, Place, and Community with Implications for Design, Florida: The Florida State University. Wilhelm, W. B. & Mottner, S. (2005). Teens and Shopping Mall Preferences: A Conjoınt Analysis Approach to Understanding the Generational Shift Toward an Experience Economy, Shopping Center Research, 12, 1: 23-52. Wilson, T., Yun C. T. & Hong T. T. (2014). Hermeneutic Practices: Mall and Media Visiting as Understanding-In-Use, Malaysian Journal of Media Studies, 16, 2: 35-43. Wymer, W. W. & Samu, S. (2002). Volunteer Service as Symbolic Consumption: Gender and Occupational Differences in Volunteening, Journal of Marketing Management, 19: 971-989.

Tüketicilerin Alışveriş Merkezi Deneyimlerinin Üçüncü Mekân Kuramı Çerçevesinde İncelenmesi

Year 2016, Volume: 8 Issue: 2, 122 - 143, 01.04.2016


Bu araştırmanın temel amacı, gençlerin bir Alışveriş Merkezinde (AVM) yaşadıkları sosyal deneyimleri, bu deneyimlerin
bağlamsal ayrıntılarını ve yaşanan bu deneyimler yönüyle AVM’nin Oldenburg tarafından kavramsallaştırılan bir üçüncü
mekân özelliği taşıyıp taşımadığını incelemektir. Bu amaçla, fotoğrafa dayalı öyküleme ve yarı yapılandırılmış görüşme
tekniklerinin bir arada kullanıldığı nitel bir araştırma yürütülmüştür. Üniversite öğrencilerinden oluşan katılımcılarla
yürütülen araştırmaya, Konya ilindeki bir AVM alan oluşturmuştur. Elde edilen veriler tümevarım yöntemiyle analiz
edilmiştir. Bulgular, AVM’de gençler tarafından yaşanan ve üçüncü mekân özellikleri ile örtüşen sosyal deneyimlerin, “sosyal
ilişki ya da sosyal etkileşim, sembolik, kaçış, sosyal konfor ve özgürlük” deneyimi olmak üzere beş temel kategoride
toplandığını göstermektedir. Ayrıca, katılımcıların AVM bağlamındaki sosyal deneyimlerinin büyük çoğunluğunun “tüketicitüketici”
etkileşimi temelinde gerçekleştiği de belirlenmiştir. 


  • Ahola, E.K. (2005). How is the Concept of Experience Defined in Consumer Culture Theory? Discussing Different Frames of Analysis, Kuluttajatutkimus. Nyt. 1/2005: 91-98. Aldosemani, T. (2014). Second Life as Third Place for Ells’ CrossCultural Interaction, University of Laramie, Wyoming. Babin, B. J., Darden, W. R. & Griffin, M., (1994). Work and/or Fun: Measuring Hedonic and Utilitarion Shopping Value, Journal of Consumer Research, 20, 4: 644-656. Baker, J. & Haytko, D. (2000). The Mall as Entertainment: Exploring Teen Girls’ Total Shopping Experincies, Journal of Shopping Center Research, 7, 1: 29-58. Belk, R. W. (1988). Possessions and the Extended Self, Journal of Consumer Research, 15, 2: 139-168. Blodgett-Mcdeavitt, C. S. (1997). Meaning of Participating in Technology Training: A Phenomenology, blodgett.htm. Bogdan, R. C. & Biklen, S. K. (1998). Qualitative Research for Education: An Introduction to Theory and Methods, Boston: Allyn and Bacon. Brantlinger, E., Jimenez, R., Klingner, J., Marleen, P. & Virginia, R. (2005). Qualitative Studies in Special Education, Exceptional Children, 71, 2: 195-207. Caru, A. & Cova, B. (2008). Small Versus Big Stories in Framing Consumption Experiences, Qualitative Market Research: An International Journal, 11, 2: 166-176. Cebryzynski, G. (1999). Restaurants may Want to Get Wired to Reach, Generation Youths’ Nation’s Restaurant News, 3310: 14. Craig, C.A. (1993). Here, There and Everywhere: The Shopping Centre in the Real World And The Imagination, Ottawa: Depatment of Mass Communation, Carleton University, March. Crick A. P. Dr. (2011). Rethinking Oldenburg: Third Places and Generation Y in a Developing Country Context, International CHRIE Conference, July 29. Davies, A. & Elliot, R. (2006). The Evolution of the Empowered Consumer, European Journal of Marketing, 40, 9/10: 1106-1121. Denisco, A. & Napolitano, M. R. (2006). Entertainment Orientation of Italian Shopping Centres: Antecedents and Performance, Managing Service Quality, 16, 2: 145-166. Denzin, N. K. & Lincoln, Y. S. (2000). Handbook of Qualitative Research, London: Sage Publications. Gilboa, S. (2009). A Segmentation Study of Israeli Mall Customers, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 16: 135-144. Gilly, M. C. & Wolfinbarger, M. (2000). A Comparison of Consumer Experiences With Online and Offline Shopping, Consumption, Markets and Culture, 4, 2: 187-205. Glover, T. D. & Parry, D. C (2009). A Third Place in the Everyday Lives of People Living with Cancer: Functions of Gilda’s Club of Greate Toronto, Health & Place, 15: 97-106. Goss, J. (1993). The Image of the Mall’: An Analysis of Form, Function, and Meaning in the Contemporary Retail Built Environment, Annals of the Association of American Geopraphers, 83, 1: 18-47. Griffin, A. (2014). Social Forms and Culture within Miller Park, Illinois State University: Illinois, United States. Haanpaa, L. (2005). Shopping For Fun of For Needs? A Study of Shopping Values, Stlies and Motives of Finnish Consumers in 2001-2003, 7th Conference of European Sociological Association, Torun, Poland Sociology of Consumption: Shopping and Consumer Typologies, 1-16. Harris, L. C & Reynolds, K. L. (2003). The Consequences of Dysfunctional Customer Behavior, Journal of Service Research, 6, 2: 144–61. Haytko, D. L. & Baker, J. (2004). It’s all at the Mall: Exploring Adolescent Gırls’ Experiences, Journal of Retailing, 80: 67-83. Joy, A. & Sherry, J. F. (2003). Speaking of Art as Embodied Imagination: A Multisensory Approach to Understanding Aesthetic Experience, Journal of Consumer Research, 30, 2: 259- 282. Juzkiw, A. (2007). The Islington Gallery of Art: An Architectural Implementation of ‘The Third Place’, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada. Kang, J., Kim, Y.-K. & Tuan, W.-J. (1996). Motivational Factors of Mall Shoppers: Effects of Ethnicity and Age, Journal of Shopping Center Research, 3, 1: 7-31. Kim, E., Y. & Kim, Y-K. (2005). The Effects Of Ethnicity And Gender on Teens’Mall Shopping, Motivations, Clothing And Textiles Research Journal, 23, 2: 65-77. Kim, Y.-K., Kang, j. & Kim, M. (2005). The Relationship Among Family and Social Interaction, Laneliness, Mall Shopping Motivation, and Mall Spending of Older Consumers, Psychology&Marketing, 22, 12: 995-1015. Kim, Y.-K., Kim, E Y. & Kang, J. (2003). Teens’ Mall shopping Motivations: Functions of Loneliness and Media Usage, Family and Consumer Sciences Research Journal, 32, 2: 140-167. Krauss, S. E. (2005). Research Paradigms and Meaning Making: A Primer, The Qualitative Report, 10, 4: 758-770. Lieberg, M. (1995). Teenagers and Public Space, Communication Research, 22, 6: 720-44. Manzo, J. (2005). Social Control and the Management of ‘Personal’ Space in Shopping Malls, Space&Culture, 8, 1: 83-97. Marques, J. F. & McCall, C. (2005). The Application of Interrater Reliability as a Solidification Instrument in a Phenomenological Study, The Qualitative Report, 10, 3: 439-462. Martin, C. L. (1996). Customer-to-Customer Relationships: Satisfaction with Other Consumers’ Public Behavior, Journal of Consumer Affairs, 30 1: 146–69. Matthews, H., Taylor, M., Percy S. B. & Limb, M. (2000). The Unacceptable Flaneur: The Shopping Mall as a Teenage Hangout, Childhood, 7, 3: 279-294. McGrath, M. A. & Otnes, C. (1995). Unacquainted Influence: When Strangers Interact in the Retail Setting, Journal of Business Research, 32, 3: 261-272. Michon, R. & Chebat, J.-C. (2004). Cross-Cultural Mall Shopping Values and Habitats: A Comparison Between English-and FrenchSpeaking Canadians, Journal of Business Research, 57: 883-892. Mikunda, C. (2004). Brand Lands, Hot Spots & Cool Spaces: Welcome to the Third Place and the Total Marketing Experience, PA: Kogan Place. Moore J. F. (2012). Riccarton-The Art of the Third Place in a First Suburb, Lincoln University. Moye, L. N. & Kincade, D. H. (2002). Influence of Usage Situations and Consumer Shopping Orientations on the Importance of the Retail Store Enviroment, The International Review of Retail, Distribition and Consumer Research, 12, 1: 59- 79. Odabaşı, Y. (2004). Postmodern Pazarlama: Tüketim ve Tüketici, İstanbul: MediaCat. Odabaşı, Y. (2006). Tüketim Kültürü: Yetinen Toplumdan Tüketen Topluma, 2. Baskı, İstanbul: Sistem Yayıncılık. Oldenburg, R. (1989). The Great Good Place: Cafes, Coffee Shops, Community Centers, Beauty Parlors, General Stores, Bars, Hangouts and How They Get You Through the Day, New York: Paragon House. Oldenburg, R. (1999). The Great Good Place, New York: Marlow. Oldenburg, R. (2003). The Third Place, D. Levinson ve K. Christensen (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Community: From the Village to the Virtual World, Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 1373-1375. Pajouh, H. D., Saraf M., Babamohamabi S. & Taghibakhsh M. (2014). Evalution of Third Place Theory in the Context of Local Social Places, Journal of Applied Sciences Research, 10, 4: 301-312. Piacentini, M. & Mailler, G. (2004). Symbolic Consumption in Teenagers Clothing Choices, Journal of Consumer Behaviour, 3, 3: 251-262. Pine, B.J. & Gilmore, J.H. (1998). Welcome to the Experience Economy, Harvard Business Review, 176, 4: 97- 105. Riley, R. (1992). Attachment to the Ordinary Landscape, I. Altman ve S. Low (Eds.), Place Attachment, New York: Plenum Press. Rintamaki, T., Kanto, A., Kuusela, H. & Spence., M. T. (2006). Decomposing the Value of Department Store Shopping in to Utilitarion, Hedonic and Social Dimensions, International Journal of Retail&Distribution Management, 34, 1: 6-24. Ritzer, G. (2005). Enchanting a Disenchanted World: Revolutionizing the Means of Consumption, 2. Edition, California: Pine Forge Press. Schau, H. J. (2000). Consumer Imagination, Identity and SelfExpression, Advances in Consumer Research, 27: 50-56. Schmitt, B. (1999). Experiential Marketing: How to Get Customers to Sense, Feel, Think, Act and Relate to Your Company and Brands, New York: Free Pres. Seamon, D. (2000). Phenomenology, Place, Environment and Architecture, A Review of The Literature,, 2000. Setlow, C. (2001). Younger Consumers Hit the Mall, DSN Retailing Today, 40, 15: 16. Sit, J. (2003). Understanding Youth Motivations of Entertainment Consumption at Shopping Centers: Implications for Shopping Centre Marketing, ANZMAC, Conference Proceedings, Adeladie, 1-3 December 2003: 300-306. Stedman, R.C. (2003). Sense of Place and Forest Science: Toward a Program of Quantitative Research, Forest Science, 49, 6: 822–829. Stokowski, P.A. (2002). Languages of Place and Discourse of Power: Constructing New Senses of Place, Journal of Leisure Research 34, 4: 368–382. Swinyard, W. R. (1998). Shopping Mall Customer Values: The National Mall Shopper and the List of Values, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 5, 3: 167-172. Tabak, B.İ., Özgen, Ö. ve Aykol, B. (2006). High School Girls’ Shopping Mall Experiencies Perceptions and Expectations: A Qualitative Study, Ege Akademik Bakış Dergisi, 6, 1: 100-113. Taylor, S.L. & Cosenza, R.M. (2002). Profiling Later Aged Female Teens: Mall Shopping Behavior and Clothing Choice. Journal of Consumer Marketing, 19, 5: 393-408. Thomas, M. (2001). Sociability and The Coffee Sack: Testing Oldenburg’s Concept of the Third Places, Department of Sociology and Antropology. Ottawa, Ontario: Carleton University. Uygun, M. (2015). Üçüncü Mekân Olarak Alışveriş Merkezleri, Bakü: 13. Uluslararası Türk Dünyası Sosyal Bilimler Kongresi, 28- 31 Ekim 2015, Bildiri Kitabı, Türk Dünyası Araştırmaları Vakfı, 701-716. Uygun, M. (2010). Tüketim Deneyimlerinin İncelenmesinde Bütünleşik Bir Yaklaşım: Fotoğrafa Dayalı Öyküleme, 15. Ulusal Pazarlama Kongresi Bildiriler Kitabı, Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi, İzmir, 2010, 79-94. Verhoef, P. C., Katherine N., Lemone, A., Roggeveen, A., Parasuraman, M., Tsiros & Schlesinger, L. (2009). Customer Experience Creation: Determinants, Dynamics and Management Strategies, Journal of Retailing, 85, 1: 31-41. Wallendorf, M. & Belk, R.W. (1989). Assessing Trustworthiness in Naturalistic Consumer Research, E.C. Hirschman (Ed.), Interpretive Consumer Research, Association for Consumer Research, Provo, UT, 69-84. Waxman, L. K. (2004). More Than Coffee: An Examination of people, Place, and Community with Implications for Design, Florida: The Florida State University. Wilhelm, W. B. & Mottner, S. (2005). Teens and Shopping Mall Preferences: A Conjoınt Analysis Approach to Understanding the Generational Shift Toward an Experience Economy, Shopping Center Research, 12, 1: 23-52. Wilson, T., Yun C. T. & Hong T. T. (2014). Hermeneutic Practices: Mall and Media Visiting as Understanding-In-Use, Malaysian Journal of Media Studies, 16, 2: 35-43. Wymer, W. W. & Samu, S. (2002). Volunteer Service as Symbolic Consumption: Gender and Occupational Differences in Volunteening, Journal of Marketing Management, 19: 971-989.
There are 1 citations in total.


Journal Section Review Article

Mutlu Uygun

Publication Date April 1, 2016
Published in Issue Year 2016Volume: 8 Issue: 2


APA Uygun, M. (2016). Tüketicilerin Alışveriş Merkezi Deneyimlerinin Üçüncü Mekân Kuramı Çerçevesinde İncelenmesi. Aksaray Üniversitesi İktisadi Ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 8(2), 122-143.
AMA Uygun M. Tüketicilerin Alışveriş Merkezi Deneyimlerinin Üçüncü Mekân Kuramı Çerçevesinde İncelenmesi. Journal of ASU FEAS. April 2016;8(2):122-143.
Chicago Uygun, Mutlu. “Tüketicilerin Alışveriş Merkezi Deneyimlerinin Üçüncü Mekân Kuramı Çerçevesinde İncelenmesi”. Aksaray Üniversitesi İktisadi Ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi 8, no. 2 (April 2016): 122-43.
EndNote Uygun M (April 1, 2016) Tüketicilerin Alışveriş Merkezi Deneyimlerinin Üçüncü Mekân Kuramı Çerçevesinde İncelenmesi. Aksaray Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi 8 2 122–143.
IEEE M. Uygun, “Tüketicilerin Alışveriş Merkezi Deneyimlerinin Üçüncü Mekân Kuramı Çerçevesinde İncelenmesi”, Journal of ASU FEAS, vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 122–143, 2016.
ISNAD Uygun, Mutlu. “Tüketicilerin Alışveriş Merkezi Deneyimlerinin Üçüncü Mekân Kuramı Çerçevesinde İncelenmesi”. Aksaray Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi 8/2 (April 2016), 122-143.
JAMA Uygun M. Tüketicilerin Alışveriş Merkezi Deneyimlerinin Üçüncü Mekân Kuramı Çerçevesinde İncelenmesi. Journal of ASU FEAS. 2016;8:122–143.
MLA Uygun, Mutlu. “Tüketicilerin Alışveriş Merkezi Deneyimlerinin Üçüncü Mekân Kuramı Çerçevesinde İncelenmesi”. Aksaray Üniversitesi İktisadi Ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, vol. 8, no. 2, 2016, pp. 122-43.
Vancouver Uygun M. Tüketicilerin Alışveriş Merkezi Deneyimlerinin Üçüncü Mekân Kuramı Çerçevesinde İncelenmesi. Journal of ASU FEAS. 2016;8(2):122-43.