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Yerli Ziyaretçilerin Yerel Yiyecek Tüketim Güdülerinin Belirlenmesi: Beypazarı Örneği

Yıl 2016, Cilt: 8 Sayı: 1, 83 - 96, 14.07.2016


Bu araştırmanın amacı, Beypazarı’na gelen yerli ziyaretçilerin yerel yiyecek tüketimini etkileyen nedenlerin güdüler açısından incelenmesi ve yerel yiyecek güdülerinin ortaya çıkarılmasıdır. Bu doğrultuda, Beypazarı’nı ziyaret eden ve yerel yiyecek tüketen yerli ziyaretçiler ile anket tekniği kullanılarak yüz yüze görüşme yapılmış ve toplam 385 yerli ziyaretçiden veriler toplanmıştır. Araştırmadan elde edilen bulgulara göre, yerli ziyaretçilerin yerel yiyecek tüketimini etkileyen güdülerin dört faktör altında toplandığı saptanmıştır. Kabul edilebilir geçerliliğe ve güvenilirliğe sahip olan bu faktörler; ‘kültürel güdüler’, ’fiziksel güdüler’, ‘bireylerarası güdüler’ ve ‘psikolojik rahatlama güdüleri’ şeklinde adlandırılmıştır. Farklılık araştırıcı istatistiksel analizler sonucunda, yerli ziyaretçilerin yerel yiyecek güdüleri ile cinsiyet ve eğitim durumları arasında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı farklılıklara rastlanmamıştır. Demografik değişkenlerden bir diğeri olan yerli ziyaretçilerin yaşları ile yerel yiyecek güdüleri arasındaki ilişki ise korelasyon analizi ile tespit edilmeye çalışılmıştır. Analiz sonuçlarına göre, yerel yiyecek tüketim güdülerinden yalnızca bireylerarası güdüler ve psikolojik rahatlama güdüleri ile yaş arasında olumlu yönde, ancak düşük bir ilişkinin mevcut olduğu saptanmıştır. Araştırma sonucunda ortaya çıkan yerel yiyecek tüketim güdüleri, ilgili alanyazındaki teorik ve görgül araştırma sonuçları ile karşılaştırılarak tartışılmıştır. Ayrıca, turizm sektöründeki uygulayıcılara bu faktörleri önemli bir güdülenme unsuru olarak dikkate almaları hususunda önerilerde bulunulmuştur.


  • Alpar, R. (2010). Spor, sağlık ve eğitim bilimlerinde uygulamalı istatistik ve geçerlilik-güvenirlilik. (1.Baskı). Ankara. Detay Yayıncılık.
  • Alpar, R. (2011). Uygulamalı çok değişkenli istatistiksel yöntemler. (3.Baskı). Ankara. Detay Yayıncılık.
  • Altunışık, R.; Coşkun, R.; Bayraktaroğlu, S. ve Yıldırım, E. (2005). Sosyal bilimlerde araştırma yöntemleri. Spss uygulamalı.(4.Baskı). Sakarya: Sakarya Kitabevi.
  • Au, N. & Law, R. (2002). Categorical classification of tourism dining. Annals of Tourism Research, 29(3), 819-833.
  • Chang, R.; Kivela, J. &Mak, A. (2010). Food preferences of Chinese tourists. Annals of Tourism Research, 37 (4), 989–1011. Chang, W.&Yuan, J. (2011). A taste of tourism: visitors’ motivations to attend a food festival. Event Management, (15), 13–23
  • Coltman, M. M. (1989). Introduction to travel and tourism. An international approach. Newyork:Van Nostrand Reinhold.
  • Crompton, J. L. (1979). Motivationsforpleasurevacation. Annals of tourismresearch, 6(4), 408-424.
  • Crompton, J. L. &McKay, S. L. (1997). Motives of visitorsattending festival events. Annals of TourismResearch, 24(2), 425-439.
  • Çela, A.; Lankford, J.K. & Lankford, S. (2007). Local food festivals in Northeast Iowa communities: A visitor and economic impact study. Managing Leisure, (12), 171–186.
  • Çokluk, Ö.; Şekercioğlu, G. ve Büyüköztürk, Ş. (2012). Sosyal bilimler için çok değişkenli istatistik SPSS ve Lisrel uygulamaları. (2. Baskı). Ankara: Pegem Akademi.
  • Dann, G. (1977). Anomie, ego-enhance mentand tourism. Annals of tourism research, 4(4), 184-194.
  • DeVellis, R. F. (2003). Scale development: Theory andapplications. (2. Baskı). London: Sage Publications.
  • Du Rand, G.E. & Heath, E. (2006). Towards a framework for food tourism as an element of destination marketing. Current Issues in Tourism, 9(3), 206-234
  • Enteleca Research Consultancy, (2000). Tourist’s attitudes towards regional and local food. The ministry of agriculture, fisheries and food, and the countryside agency by enteleca research and consultancy ltd.
  • Erdoğan, İ. (2003). Pozitivist metodoloji: Bilimsel araştırma tasarımı
  • (1.Baskı).Ankara: Erk Yayınları. analiz ve
  • yorum. Fields, K. (2002). Demand for the gastronomy tourism product: motivational factors. Tourism and Gastronomy. (Ed: Hjalager, A. ve Richards, G). London: Routledge. 37-50.
  • Fodness, D. (1994). Measuring tourist motivation. Annals of Tourism Research, 21(3), 555-581.
  • Frochot, I. (2003). An analysis of regional positioning and ıts associated food ımages in french tourism regional brochures. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 14 (3-4), 77-96.
  • Frochot, I. (2005). A benefit segmentation of tourists in rural areas: a scottish perspective. Tourism Management, 26 (3), 335–346.
  • Hair, J. F.; Black W.; Babin, B.; &Anderson, R. E. (2010). Multivariate data analysis: A global perspective (7. Baskı). New Jersey: Pearson Prentice-Hall
  • Hall, C. M.& Mitchell, R. (2000). We are what we eat: Food, tourism
  • Communication, 2, 29–37. Tourism, Culture
  • & Honkanen, P. &Frewer, L. (2009). Russian consumers’ motives for food choice. Appetit, (52), 363-371
  • Hudman, L. E. (1986). Theravelers perception of the role of food and eating in the tourist industry. In The Impact of Catering and Cuisine uponTourism, Proceedings of 36th AIEST Congress, 31 August–6 September, Montreux:AIEST. (27), 95-105.
  • Jones, A. &Jenkins, I. (2002). A Taste of Wales - Blas Ar Gymru’: institutional malaise in promoting Welsh food tourism products. Tourism and Gastronomy. (Ed: Hjalager, A. ve Richards, G). London: Routledge. 115-131.
  • Iso-Ahola, S. E. (1982). Toward a social psychological theory of tourism motivation: A rejoinder. Annals of tourism research, 9(2), 256-262.
  • Kara, Ç. (2011). Turistik ticari halk bilimsel ürünler ve beypazarı. Milli Folklor Dergisi, 23(89), 54-65.
  • Kim, S. S. &Prideaux, B. (2005). Marketing implications arising from a comparative study of international pleasure tourist motivations and other travel-related characteristics of visitors to Korea. Tourism Management, 26(3), 347-357.
  • Kim, Y. G.; Eves, A. &Scarles, C. (2009). Building a model of local food consumption on trips and holidays: A grounded theory approach. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 28(3), 423-431.
  • Kim, Y. H.; Goh, B.K. &Yuan, J.J. (2010). Development of a Multi-Dimensional Scale for Measuring Food Tourist Motivations. Journal of Quality Assurance in Hospitality & Tourism, 11(1), 56-71.
  • Kim, Y. G. &Eves, A. (2012). Construction andvalidation of a scaletomeasuretouristmotivationtoconsumelocalfood.
  • Tourism Management, 33(6), 1458-1467.
  • Kim, H.; Lee, J.Y.T. & Yoon, S. (2012). Factors affecting consumer’s choice of ethnic restaurants. Tourism Analysis, (17), 377-383.
  • Kim, Y. G.; Eves, A. &Scarles, C. (2013). Empiricalverification of a conceptual model of localfoodconsumption at a touristdestination. International Journal of Hospitality Management, (33), 484-489.
  • Kivela, J. & Crotts, J. C. (2005). Gastronomytourism: A meaningfultravel
  • CulinaryScience&Technology, 4(2-3), 39-55. segment. Journal
  • of Kivela, J., &Crotts, J. C. (2006) Tourism and gastronomy: gastronomy’s influence on howtourists experience a destination. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research. 30 (3), 354–377.
  • Lee, C. K. & Lee, T. H. (2001). World Culture EXPO segmentcharacteristics. Annals of TourismResearch, 28(3), 812- 816.
  • Lee, C. K.; Lee, Y. K. &Wicks, B. E. (2004). Segmentation of festival
  • Tourismmanagement, 25(1), 61-70.
  • Lockie, S.; Lyons, K.; Lawrence, G. & Grice, J. (2004). Choosing organics: a path analysisof factors underlying the selection of organic food among Australian consumers. Appetite, (43), 135–146.
  • Mak, A.H.N.; Lumbers, M.; Eves, A. & Chang, R.C.Y. (2012). Factors influencing tourist food consumption. Internatioanl Journal of Hospitality Management, (31), 928-936.
  • McIntosh, R. W. &GoeldnerCh. R. (1990). Tourism. Principles, Practises, Philosophies. (6.baskı).Columbus. Grid Publishing. Mooney, K. M. &Walbourn, L. (2001). When college students reject food: not just a matter of taste. Appetite, (36), 41-50.
  • Netemeyer, R. G.,Bearden, W. O., &Sharma, S. (2003). Scalingprocedures: Issuesandapplications. London: Sage Publications.
  • Neuman, W.L (2007). Basic of socialresearch: Quality of andquantitativeapproaches.
  • PearsonEducation, Inc. (2. Baskı).
  • Boston: Nummedal, M., &Hall, M., (2006). Local food and tourism: an investigation of the New Zealand South Island’s bed and breakfast section’s use and perception of local food. Tourism Review International, (9), 365–378.
  • Nunnally, J. (1978). Psychometrictheory (2.baskı.). New York: McGraw-Hill.
  • Park, K‐S.;Reisinger, Y. & Kang, H‐J. (2008). Visitors' motivation for attending the south beach wine and food festival, Miami Beach, Florida. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 25(2), 161-181
  • Plummer, R.; Telfer, D.; Hashimoto, A. &Summers, R. (2005) Beer tourism in Canada along the Waterloo-Wellington Ale trail. Tourism Management, 26(3), 447–458.
  • Quan, S. & Wang, N. (2004) Towards a structural model of the tourist experience: an illustration from food experiences in tourism. Tourism Management, 25, 297–305.
  • Ryan, C. &Glendon, L. (1998). Application of leisure motivation scale to tourism. Annals of Tourism Research, 25(1), 169–184.
  • Ryu, K. & Jang, S. (2006). Intention to experience local cuisine in a travel destination: the modified theory of reasonable action. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research, 30 (4), 507–516.
  • Saruhan, Ş.C ve Özdemirci, A. (2011). Bilim, felsefe ve metodoloji. (2. Baskı). İstanbul: Beta.
  • Sims, R. (2009): Food, place and authenticity: local food and the sustainable tourism experience. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 17(3), 321-33.
  • SingaporeTourism Board (2012). Annual Report 2011/2012.
  • 12.pdf(Erişim Tarihi: 03.07.2012.
  • Smith, S. & Costello, C. (2009). Segmenting Visitors to a Culinary
  • Expenditures. Journal of Hospitality Marketing &Managment, 18, 44-67. Travel Behavior,
  • and Sparks, B.; Bowen, J. &Klag, S., (2003). Restaurant and the tourist market. International. Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 15 (1), 6–13
  • Sparks, B. (2007). Planning a winetourismvacation? Factorsthathelptopredicttouristbehaviouralintentions.
  • Tourism Management, 28(5), 1180-1192.
  • Steptoe, A.,Pollard, T. M. &Wardle, J. (1995). Development of a measure of themotivesunderlyingtheselection of food: Thefoodchoicequestionnaire, Appetite, (25), 183-196.
  • Swarbrooke, J. & Horner, S. (2007). Consumer behaviour in tourism. (2.Baskı) Amsterdam. Butterworth-Heinemann.
  • Şencan, H. (2005). Sosyalve davranışsal ölçümlerde güvenilirlik ve geçerlilik. Ankara: Seçkin Yayınları. Tabachnick,
  • multivariatestatistics. (6.Baskı). Boston: Pearson. L.S. (2011).
  • Using Takano, A. (2008). Türkiye’de turizm ve kültür ‘Beypazarı’nda turizm gelişme sürecinde yerli halk ile turist yabancılar arasındaki etkileşim üzerine etnolojik bir inceleme’(Yüksek Lisans Tezi. Ankara Üniversitesi, Halk Bilimi Anabilim Dalı, Ankara). adresinden edinilmiştir Telfer,
  • Strengtheningbackwardeconomiclinkages:
  • localfoodpurchasingbythreeIndonesianhotels.
  • TourismGeographies, 2 (4),421–447. G.
  • (2000). Torres, R. (2002). Towards a better understanding of tourism and agriculture linkages in the Yucatan: Tourist food consumption and preferences. Tourism Geographies, (4), 282- 307.
  • Uslu, A. ve Kiper, T. (2006). Turizmin kültürel miras üzerine etkileri: Beypazarı/Ankara örneğinde yerel halkın farkındalığı. Tekirdağ Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 3(3), 305-314. Uysal,
  • pleasuretravelandtourism,
  • HospitalityandTourism. (Ed: Mahmood A.;Khan, Olsen, M D. ve V, T). New York Van Nostrand Reinhold. 798-810. of of VNR's Encyclopedia
  • Yurtseven, H.R. & Kaya, O. (2011).Localfood in local menus: thecase
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Determining Domestic Visitors' Motivations Of Local Food Consumption: The Case Of Beypazari

Yıl 2016, Cilt: 8 Sayı: 1, 83 - 96, 14.07.2016


The purpose of this study is to examine the factors that affect local food consumption of domestic visitors to Beypazarı in terms of tourism motivations and to identify their local food consumption motivations. In this context, face to face interviews via questionnaire were conducted with domestic visitors who came to Beypazarı and consumed local food. Data was collected from a total of 385 domestic visitors by means of a data collection tool developed for this study. According to research findings, motivations that affect domestic visitors’ local food consumption were grouped under four factors. The factors which have acceptable validity and reliability scores were named as “cultural motivations”, “physical motivations”, “interpersonal motivations”, and “psychological relief motivations”. Exploratory analysis of mean differences showed that no statistically significant differences were found between local food consumption motivation of domestic visitors in terms of gender and education level. To determine the relationship between age as one of demographic variables and local food consumption motivation, correlation analysis was performed. According to the findings, it was determined that local food consumption motivation has a positive but weak correlation with interpersonal motivations and psychological relief motivations. Local food motivations of visitors were discussed by comparing the results of this study with the results of theoretical and empirical researches found in the relevant literature. In addition, some recommendations were made for tourism practitioners to consider in mind the factors that emerged from this research as important elements of motivation that affect local food consumption.


  • Alpar, R. (2010). Spor, sağlık ve eğitim bilimlerinde uygulamalı istatistik ve geçerlilik-güvenirlilik. (1.Baskı). Ankara. Detay Yayıncılık.
  • Alpar, R. (2011). Uygulamalı çok değişkenli istatistiksel yöntemler. (3.Baskı). Ankara. Detay Yayıncılık.
  • Altunışık, R.; Coşkun, R.; Bayraktaroğlu, S. ve Yıldırım, E. (2005). Sosyal bilimlerde araştırma yöntemleri. Spss uygulamalı.(4.Baskı). Sakarya: Sakarya Kitabevi.
  • Au, N. & Law, R. (2002). Categorical classification of tourism dining. Annals of Tourism Research, 29(3), 819-833.
  • Chang, R.; Kivela, J. &Mak, A. (2010). Food preferences of Chinese tourists. Annals of Tourism Research, 37 (4), 989–1011. Chang, W.&Yuan, J. (2011). A taste of tourism: visitors’ motivations to attend a food festival. Event Management, (15), 13–23
  • Coltman, M. M. (1989). Introduction to travel and tourism. An international approach. Newyork:Van Nostrand Reinhold.
  • Crompton, J. L. (1979). Motivationsforpleasurevacation. Annals of tourismresearch, 6(4), 408-424.
  • Crompton, J. L. &McKay, S. L. (1997). Motives of visitorsattending festival events. Annals of TourismResearch, 24(2), 425-439.
  • Çela, A.; Lankford, J.K. & Lankford, S. (2007). Local food festivals in Northeast Iowa communities: A visitor and economic impact study. Managing Leisure, (12), 171–186.
  • Çokluk, Ö.; Şekercioğlu, G. ve Büyüköztürk, Ş. (2012). Sosyal bilimler için çok değişkenli istatistik SPSS ve Lisrel uygulamaları. (2. Baskı). Ankara: Pegem Akademi.
  • Dann, G. (1977). Anomie, ego-enhance mentand tourism. Annals of tourism research, 4(4), 184-194.
  • DeVellis, R. F. (2003). Scale development: Theory andapplications. (2. Baskı). London: Sage Publications.
  • Du Rand, G.E. & Heath, E. (2006). Towards a framework for food tourism as an element of destination marketing. Current Issues in Tourism, 9(3), 206-234
  • Enteleca Research Consultancy, (2000). Tourist’s attitudes towards regional and local food. The ministry of agriculture, fisheries and food, and the countryside agency by enteleca research and consultancy ltd.
  • Erdoğan, İ. (2003). Pozitivist metodoloji: Bilimsel araştırma tasarımı
  • (1.Baskı).Ankara: Erk Yayınları. analiz ve
  • yorum. Fields, K. (2002). Demand for the gastronomy tourism product: motivational factors. Tourism and Gastronomy. (Ed: Hjalager, A. ve Richards, G). London: Routledge. 37-50.
  • Fodness, D. (1994). Measuring tourist motivation. Annals of Tourism Research, 21(3), 555-581.
  • Frochot, I. (2003). An analysis of regional positioning and ıts associated food ımages in french tourism regional brochures. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 14 (3-4), 77-96.
  • Frochot, I. (2005). A benefit segmentation of tourists in rural areas: a scottish perspective. Tourism Management, 26 (3), 335–346.
  • Hair, J. F.; Black W.; Babin, B.; &Anderson, R. E. (2010). Multivariate data analysis: A global perspective (7. Baskı). New Jersey: Pearson Prentice-Hall
  • Hall, C. M.& Mitchell, R. (2000). We are what we eat: Food, tourism
  • Communication, 2, 29–37. Tourism, Culture
  • & Honkanen, P. &Frewer, L. (2009). Russian consumers’ motives for food choice. Appetit, (52), 363-371
  • Hudman, L. E. (1986). Theravelers perception of the role of food and eating in the tourist industry. In The Impact of Catering and Cuisine uponTourism, Proceedings of 36th AIEST Congress, 31 August–6 September, Montreux:AIEST. (27), 95-105.
  • Jones, A. &Jenkins, I. (2002). A Taste of Wales - Blas Ar Gymru’: institutional malaise in promoting Welsh food tourism products. Tourism and Gastronomy. (Ed: Hjalager, A. ve Richards, G). London: Routledge. 115-131.
  • Iso-Ahola, S. E. (1982). Toward a social psychological theory of tourism motivation: A rejoinder. Annals of tourism research, 9(2), 256-262.
  • Kara, Ç. (2011). Turistik ticari halk bilimsel ürünler ve beypazarı. Milli Folklor Dergisi, 23(89), 54-65.
  • Kim, S. S. &Prideaux, B. (2005). Marketing implications arising from a comparative study of international pleasure tourist motivations and other travel-related characteristics of visitors to Korea. Tourism Management, 26(3), 347-357.
  • Kim, Y. G.; Eves, A. &Scarles, C. (2009). Building a model of local food consumption on trips and holidays: A grounded theory approach. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 28(3), 423-431.
  • Kim, Y. H.; Goh, B.K. &Yuan, J.J. (2010). Development of a Multi-Dimensional Scale for Measuring Food Tourist Motivations. Journal of Quality Assurance in Hospitality & Tourism, 11(1), 56-71.
  • Kim, Y. G. &Eves, A. (2012). Construction andvalidation of a scaletomeasuretouristmotivationtoconsumelocalfood.
  • Tourism Management, 33(6), 1458-1467.
  • Kim, H.; Lee, J.Y.T. & Yoon, S. (2012). Factors affecting consumer’s choice of ethnic restaurants. Tourism Analysis, (17), 377-383.
  • Kim, Y. G.; Eves, A. &Scarles, C. (2013). Empiricalverification of a conceptual model of localfoodconsumption at a touristdestination. International Journal of Hospitality Management, (33), 484-489.
  • Kivela, J. & Crotts, J. C. (2005). Gastronomytourism: A meaningfultravel
  • CulinaryScience&Technology, 4(2-3), 39-55. segment. Journal
  • of Kivela, J., &Crotts, J. C. (2006) Tourism and gastronomy: gastronomy’s influence on howtourists experience a destination. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research. 30 (3), 354–377.
  • Lee, C. K. & Lee, T. H. (2001). World Culture EXPO segmentcharacteristics. Annals of TourismResearch, 28(3), 812- 816.
  • Lee, C. K.; Lee, Y. K. &Wicks, B. E. (2004). Segmentation of festival
  • Tourismmanagement, 25(1), 61-70.
  • Lockie, S.; Lyons, K.; Lawrence, G. & Grice, J. (2004). Choosing organics: a path analysisof factors underlying the selection of organic food among Australian consumers. Appetite, (43), 135–146.
  • Mak, A.H.N.; Lumbers, M.; Eves, A. & Chang, R.C.Y. (2012). Factors influencing tourist food consumption. Internatioanl Journal of Hospitality Management, (31), 928-936.
  • McIntosh, R. W. &GoeldnerCh. R. (1990). Tourism. Principles, Practises, Philosophies. (6.baskı).Columbus. Grid Publishing. Mooney, K. M. &Walbourn, L. (2001). When college students reject food: not just a matter of taste. Appetite, (36), 41-50.
  • Netemeyer, R. G.,Bearden, W. O., &Sharma, S. (2003). Scalingprocedures: Issuesandapplications. London: Sage Publications.
  • Neuman, W.L (2007). Basic of socialresearch: Quality of andquantitativeapproaches.
  • PearsonEducation, Inc. (2. Baskı).
  • Boston: Nummedal, M., &Hall, M., (2006). Local food and tourism: an investigation of the New Zealand South Island’s bed and breakfast section’s use and perception of local food. Tourism Review International, (9), 365–378.
  • Nunnally, J. (1978). Psychometrictheory (2.baskı.). New York: McGraw-Hill.
  • Park, K‐S.;Reisinger, Y. & Kang, H‐J. (2008). Visitors' motivation for attending the south beach wine and food festival, Miami Beach, Florida. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 25(2), 161-181
  • Plummer, R.; Telfer, D.; Hashimoto, A. &Summers, R. (2005) Beer tourism in Canada along the Waterloo-Wellington Ale trail. Tourism Management, 26(3), 447–458.
  • Quan, S. & Wang, N. (2004) Towards a structural model of the tourist experience: an illustration from food experiences in tourism. Tourism Management, 25, 297–305.
  • Ryan, C. &Glendon, L. (1998). Application of leisure motivation scale to tourism. Annals of Tourism Research, 25(1), 169–184.
  • Ryu, K. & Jang, S. (2006). Intention to experience local cuisine in a travel destination: the modified theory of reasonable action. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research, 30 (4), 507–516.
  • Saruhan, Ş.C ve Özdemirci, A. (2011). Bilim, felsefe ve metodoloji. (2. Baskı). İstanbul: Beta.
  • Sims, R. (2009): Food, place and authenticity: local food and the sustainable tourism experience. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 17(3), 321-33.
  • SingaporeTourism Board (2012). Annual Report 2011/2012.
  • 12.pdf(Erişim Tarihi: 03.07.2012.
  • Smith, S. & Costello, C. (2009). Segmenting Visitors to a Culinary
  • Expenditures. Journal of Hospitality Marketing &Managment, 18, 44-67. Travel Behavior,
  • and Sparks, B.; Bowen, J. &Klag, S., (2003). Restaurant and the tourist market. International. Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 15 (1), 6–13
  • Sparks, B. (2007). Planning a winetourismvacation? Factorsthathelptopredicttouristbehaviouralintentions.
  • Tourism Management, 28(5), 1180-1192.
  • Steptoe, A.,Pollard, T. M. &Wardle, J. (1995). Development of a measure of themotivesunderlyingtheselection of food: Thefoodchoicequestionnaire, Appetite, (25), 183-196.
  • Swarbrooke, J. & Horner, S. (2007). Consumer behaviour in tourism. (2.Baskı) Amsterdam. Butterworth-Heinemann.
  • Şencan, H. (2005). Sosyalve davranışsal ölçümlerde güvenilirlik ve geçerlilik. Ankara: Seçkin Yayınları. Tabachnick,
  • multivariatestatistics. (6.Baskı). Boston: Pearson. L.S. (2011).
  • Using Takano, A. (2008). Türkiye’de turizm ve kültür ‘Beypazarı’nda turizm gelişme sürecinde yerli halk ile turist yabancılar arasındaki etkileşim üzerine etnolojik bir inceleme’(Yüksek Lisans Tezi. Ankara Üniversitesi, Halk Bilimi Anabilim Dalı, Ankara). adresinden edinilmiştir Telfer,
  • Strengtheningbackwardeconomiclinkages:
  • localfoodpurchasingbythreeIndonesianhotels.
  • TourismGeographies, 2 (4),421–447. G.
  • (2000). Torres, R. (2002). Towards a better understanding of tourism and agriculture linkages in the Yucatan: Tourist food consumption and preferences. Tourism Geographies, (4), 282- 307.
  • Uslu, A. ve Kiper, T. (2006). Turizmin kültürel miras üzerine etkileri: Beypazarı/Ankara örneğinde yerel halkın farkındalığı. Tekirdağ Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 3(3), 305-314. Uysal,
  • pleasuretravelandtourism,
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Toplam 79 adet kaynakça vardır.


Diğer ID JA43TD99YV
Bölüm Derleme Makale

Davut Kodaş

Çağıl Hale Özel

Yayımlanma Tarihi 14 Temmuz 2016
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2016Cilt: 8 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Kodaş, D., & Özel, Ç. H. (2016). Yerli Ziyaretçilerin Yerel Yiyecek Tüketim Güdülerinin Belirlenmesi: Beypazarı Örneği. Aksaray Üniversitesi İktisadi Ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 8(1), 83-96.
AMA Kodaş D, Özel ÇH. Yerli Ziyaretçilerin Yerel Yiyecek Tüketim Güdülerinin Belirlenmesi: Beypazarı Örneği. ASÜ İİBF Dergisi. Ocak 2016;8(1):83-96.
Chicago Kodaş, Davut, ve Çağıl Hale Özel. “Yerli Ziyaretçilerin Yerel Yiyecek Tüketim Güdülerinin Belirlenmesi: Beypazarı Örneği”. Aksaray Üniversitesi İktisadi Ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi 8, sy. 1 (Ocak 2016): 83-96.
EndNote Kodaş D, Özel ÇH (01 Ocak 2016) Yerli Ziyaretçilerin Yerel Yiyecek Tüketim Güdülerinin Belirlenmesi: Beypazarı Örneği. Aksaray Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi 8 1 83–96.
IEEE D. Kodaş ve Ç. H. Özel, “Yerli Ziyaretçilerin Yerel Yiyecek Tüketim Güdülerinin Belirlenmesi: Beypazarı Örneği”, ASÜ İİBF Dergisi, c. 8, sy. 1, ss. 83–96, 2016.
ISNAD Kodaş, Davut - Özel, Çağıl Hale. “Yerli Ziyaretçilerin Yerel Yiyecek Tüketim Güdülerinin Belirlenmesi: Beypazarı Örneği”. Aksaray Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi 8/1 (Ocak 2016), 83-96.
JAMA Kodaş D, Özel ÇH. Yerli Ziyaretçilerin Yerel Yiyecek Tüketim Güdülerinin Belirlenmesi: Beypazarı Örneği. ASÜ İİBF Dergisi. 2016;8:83–96.
MLA Kodaş, Davut ve Çağıl Hale Özel. “Yerli Ziyaretçilerin Yerel Yiyecek Tüketim Güdülerinin Belirlenmesi: Beypazarı Örneği”. Aksaray Üniversitesi İktisadi Ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, c. 8, sy. 1, 2016, ss. 83-96.
Vancouver Kodaş D, Özel ÇH. Yerli Ziyaretçilerin Yerel Yiyecek Tüketim Güdülerinin Belirlenmesi: Beypazarı Örneği. ASÜ İİBF Dergisi. 2016;8(1):83-96.