Araştırma Makalesi
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Two Sided Markets: The Case of The Waterbed Effect in OECD Mobile Telecommunications Markets

Yıl 2019, Cilt: 22 Sayı: 2, 383 - 396, 30.11.2019


Efforts to develop appropriate policies and accurate strategies
through the most accurate analyzes highlight the examination of two-sided
markets, which differ significantly from one-sided markets. In this study,
mobile telecommunications market which has a special place in two-sided market
analysis will be studied. In mobile telecommunications market, it is suggested
that a reduction in mobile interconnection rates for the interconnection
service will show the waterbed effect, resulting in an increase in mobile
communication prices that the end user faces in the market. In this context, an
empirical analysis was made by Common Correlated Effects Mean Group (CCEMG)
estimator using the 41 quarter period data of 21 OECD countries between 2005
and 2015, and the effect of mobile interconnection rates, income and quantity
were estimated in determining the mobile communication prices. According to the
results, the waterbed effect in mobile telecommunications markets could not be
determined in the period analyzed for the related country group and mobile
interconnection rates acted as a cost factor and changed the prices in the same
direction.  The coefficient of income
variable was positive and the expectation that the increase in income would
increase the price was met.  The
explanatory variable coefficients of the number of subscribers and the penetration
rate representing the quantity were negative and they were evaluated to behave
in accordance with economic expectations and two-sided market characteristics.


  • Argentesi, Elena and Filistrucchi, Lapo, (2007) "Estimating Market Power in a Two-Sided Market: The Case Of Newspapers", Journal of Applied Econometrics 22(7): 1247-1266.
  • Armstrong, Mark, (2006) "Platform Competition in Two-Sided Markets", RAND Journal of Economics 37(3): 668-691.
  • Armstrong, Mark and Wright, Julian, (2007) "Two-Sided Markets, Competitive Bottlenecks and Exclusive Contracts", Economic Theory 32(2): 353-380.
  • Bodammer, Imme, (2009) “The Waterbed Effect Explained in Relation to Roaming: An Economics Perspective” , (20 May 2018).
  • Breusch, Trevor Stanley and Pagan, Adrian, (1980) “The Lagrange Multiplier Test And its Applications To Model Specification in Econometrics” , The Review of Economic Studies 47(1): 239-253.
  • Brito, Duarte, Pereira, Pedro and Vareda, João, (2013) "Network Neutrality Under ISP Duopoly: On The Ability To Assign Capacity", Working Papers, University of Evora, CEFAGE-UE .
  • Caillaud, Bernard and Bruno, Jullien, (2003) "Chicken & Egg: Competition Among Intermediation Service Providers", RAND Journal of Economics 34(2): 309-328.
  • Chandra, Ambarish and Allan, Collard-Wexler, (2009) "Mergers in Two-Sided Markets: An Application to the Canadian Newspaper Industry", Journal of Economics and Management Strategy 18(4): 1045-1070.
  • Channer, Evona, (2010) “Staff opinion on the competitive dynamics of call termination provision. Staff Report” , Fair Trading Commission. (10 May 2018).
  • Cunningham, Brendan, Peter, Alexander and Adam, Candeub, (2010) “Network Growth: Theory And Evidence From The Mobile Telephone Industry” , Information Economics and Policy 22(1): 91-102.
  • Doganoglu, Toker and Julian, Wright, (2006) "Multihoming And Compatibility", International Journal of Industrial Organization 24(1): 45-67.
  • Economides, Nicholas and Joacim, TÂg, (2012) "Network Neutrality On The Internet: A Two-Sided Market Analysis", Information Economics and Policy 24(2): 91-104.
  • Eisenmann, Thomas, Parker, Geoffrey and Marshall, Van Alstyne, (2006) "Strategies For Two-Sided Markets", Harvard Business Review 84(10): 92-98.
  • Eisenmann, Thomas, Parker, Geoffrey and Marshall, Van Alstyne, (2011a) "Opening Platforms: How, When And Why?" , Platforms, Markets and Innovation 6: 131-139.
  • Eisenmann, Thomas, Parker, Geoffrey and Marshall, Van Alstyne, (2011b) "Platform Envelopment". Strategic Management Journal, 32(12): 1270-1285.
  • Evans, David, (2003) "Antitrust Economics of Multi-Sided Platform Markets", Yale Journal on Regulation 20: 325-431.
  • Evans, David and Richard, Schmalensee, (2005) "The Industrial Organization Of Markets With Two-Sided Platforms", Working Paper Available at SSRN: or
  • Filistrucchi, Lapo, Klein,Tobias and Thomas, Michielsen, (2012) "Assessing Unilateral Merger Effects in a Two-Sided Market: An Application to the Dutch Daily Newspaper Market", Journal of Competition Law and Economics 8(2): 297-329.
  • Gao, Ming, (2018) “Platform Pricing In Mixed Two‐Sided Markets” , International Economic Review 59: 1103-1129.
  • Genakos, Christos and Tommaso, Vallett, (2012) "Regulating Prices in Two-Sided Markets: The Waterbed Experience in Mobile Telephony", Telecommunications Policy 36(5): 360-368.
  • Genakos, Christos and Tommaso, Valletti, (2015) “Evaluating A Decade Of Mobile Termination Rate Regulation” , Economic Journal, 125(586).
  • Genakos, Christos and Tommaso, Valletti, (2011) “Testing The ‘Waterbed’ Effect in Mobile Telecommunications” , Journal of the European Economic Association 9(6):1114–42.
  • Growitsch, Christian , Marcus, Scott and Wernick, Christian, (2010) “The Effects Of Lower Mobile Termination Rates (MTRs) On Retail Price And Demand” , Communications and Strategies 80:119-140.
  • Hagiu, Andrei, (2009) "Two-Sided Platforms: Product Variety and Pricing Structures", Journal of Economics and Management Strategy 18(4): 1011-1043.
  • Hagiu, Andrei and Hanna, Halaburda, (2013) "Expectations, Network Effects and Platform Pricing", Working Paper, Harvard University.
  • Holly, Sean and Raissi, Mehdi, (2009) “The Macroeconomic Effects of European Financial Development: a Heterogeneous Panel Analysis” , Working Paper.
  • Jeziorski, Przemys, (2012) "Effects Of Mergers in Two-Sided Markets: Examination Of The US Radio Industry", Working Paper.
  • Kaiser, Ulrich and Julian, Wright, (2006) "Price Structure in Two-Sided Markets: Evidence From The Magazine Industry", International Journal of Industrial Organization 24(1): 1-28.
  • Lee, Jongyong and Lee, Duk Hee, (2012) “Asymmetry Of Mobile Termination Rates And The Waterbed Effect”, 23rd European Regional Conference of the International Telecommunication Society, Vienna, Austria, 1-4 July 2012.
  • Lee, Robin, (2011) "Dynamic Demand Estimation in Platform and Two-Sided Markets: TheWelfare Cost of Software Incompatibility", Working Paper, Stern School of Business, New York University.
  • Lyons, Sean. (2006) , “Measuring The Benefits Of Mobile Number Portability”. Working Paper, Department of Economics, Trinity College, Dublin.
  • McCloughan, Pat and Lyons, Sean, (2006) “Accounting For ARPU: New Evidence From International Panel Data” ,Telecommunications Policy 30(10-11):521-532.
  • Nazlıoğlu, Saban, (2010) Makro İktisat Politikalarının Tarım Sektörü Üzerindeki Etkileri: Gelişmiş ve Gelişmekte Olan Ülkeler İçin Bir Karşılaştırma, Basılmamış Doktora Tezi, Kayseri: Erciyes Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü.
  • Pesaran, Hasmen, Ullah, Aman and Yamagata, Takashi, (2008) “A Bias‐Adjusted LM Test Of Error Cross‐Section Independence” , The Econometrics Journal (11): 105-127.
  • Pesaran, Hasmen and Smith, Richard, (1995) “Estimating Long-Run Relationships From Dynamic Heterogeneous Panels” , Journal of Econometrics 68 (1): 79–113.
  • Pesaran, Hasmen, (2004) “General Diagnostic Tests For Cross Section Dependence in Panels” , Working Paper, University of Cambridge, CWPE 0435.
  • Pesaran, Hasmen, (2006) “Estimation And Inference in Large Heterogenous Panels With Multifactor Error Structure” , Econometrica, 74: 967-1012.
  • Pesaran, Hasmen, (2007) “A Simple Panel Unit Root Test In The Presence Of Cross-Section Dependence”, Journal of Applied Econometrics 22(2): 265-312.
  • Pesaran, Hasmen and Yamagata, Takashi, (2008) “Testing Slope Homogeneity in Large Panels” , Journal of Econometrics 142(1): 50-93.
  • Pesaran, Hasmen, Shin, Yongcheol and Smith, Richard, (1999) “Pooled Mean Group Estimation Of Dynamic Heterogeneous Panels” , Journal of the American Statistical Association 94 (446): 621–634.
  • Pesaran, Hasmen, Shin, Yongcheol. and Smith, Richard, (1997) “Pooled Estimation Of Long-Run Relationships in Dynamic Heterogeneous Panels” , Working Paper, University of Cambridge, Department of Applied Economics.
  • Rochet, Jean-Charles and Jean, Tirole, (2003) "Platform Competition in Two-Sided Markets", Journal of the European Economic Association 1(4): 990-1029.
  • Rochet, Jean-Charles and Jean, Tirole, (2006) "Two-Sided Markets: A Progress Report". RAND Journal of Economics 37(3): 645-667.
  • Rysman, Marc, (2009) "The Economics Of Two-Sided Markets", Journal of Economic Perspectives 23(3): 125-143.
  • Schiff, Aaron, (2008) “The ‘Waterbed’ Effect And Price Regulation” , Review of Network Economics 7(3): 392-414.
  • Shew, William, (1994) “Regulation, Competition And Prices in Cellular Telephony” , Working Paper, The American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research. No: 4329.
  • Song, Minjae, (2011) "Estimating Platform Market Power İn Two-Sided Markets With An Application To Magazine Advertising", Song, Minjae, Estimating Platform Market Power in Two-Sided Markets with an Application to Magazine Advertising (September 30, 2013). Simon School Working Paper No. FR 11-22. Available at SSRN: or
  • Tatoğlu, Ferda Yelen, (2017) Panel Zaman Serileri Analizi, İstanbul: Beta Yayınları. OECD. (2009) “TwoSided Markets”, DAF/COMP (2009) 20,
  • Valletti, Tommaso, (2006) “Mobile Call Termination: a Tale of Two-Sided Markets” , Antitrust and Regulation in the EU and US, Chapter 7, Edward Elgar Publishing.
  • Valverde, Carbo, Chakravorti, Sujit and Francisco, Fernandez, (2009) "Regulating Two-Sided Markets: An Empirical Investigation", Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago.
  • Westerlund, Joakim, (2008) “Panel Cointegration Tests Of The Fisher Effect” , Journal of Applied Econometrics 23(2): 193-223.
  • Weyl, Glen, (2010) "A Price Theory Of Multi-Sided Platforms", American Economic Review 100(4): 1642-1672.
  • Wright, Julian, (2004) "One-Sided Logic in Two-Sided Markets". Review of Network Economics 3(1): 42-63.

İki Taraflı Piyasalar: OECD Mobil Telekomünikasyon Piyasaları’nda Su Yatağı Etkisi Örneği

Yıl 2019, Cilt: 22 Sayı: 2, 383 - 396, 30.11.2019


En doğru analizler yapılarak uygun politikalar ve isabetli
stratejiler geliştirme çabaları tek yanlı piyasalardan önemli ölçüde
farklılaşan iki yanlı piyasaların incelenmesini ön plana çıkarmaktadır. Bu
çalışmada iki yanlı piyasa analizleri içinde özel bir yere sahip olan mobil
telekomünikasyon piyasaları ele alınmaktadır. Mobil telekomünikasyon
piyasalarında arabağlantı hizmeti karşılığında alınan mobil arabağlantı
ücretlerinde yapılacak merkezi bir indirimin “su yatağı etkisi” göstererek son
kullanıcının piyasada karşı karşıya olduğu mobil iletişim fiyatlarının
yükselmesine neden olabileceği öne sürülmektedir.. Bu kapsamda 21 OECD ülkesine
ait 2005-2015 yılları arasındaki 41 çeyrek dönemlik veriler kullanılarak Ortak
İlişkili Etkiler Ortalama Grup (CCEMG) yöntemi ile ampirik analiz yapılmış ve
mobil iletişim fiyatının belirlenmesinde mobil arabağlantı ücretleri, gelir ve
miktarın etkisi tahmin edilmiştir. Sonuçlara göre ilgili ülke gurubu için
analiz edilen dönemde mobil telekomünikasyon piyasalarında su yatağı etkisi
tespit edilememiş ve mobil arabağlantı ücretlerinin bir maliyet unsuru olarak
hareket ederek fiyatları aynı yönlü olarak değiştirdiği ortaya konmuştur. Gelir
değişkeninin katsayısı pozitif çıkmış ve gelirdeki artışın fiyatı artıracağı
beklentisi karşılanmıştır. Miktarı temsil eden abone sayısı ve penetrasyon
oranı açıklayıcı değişkenlerinin katsayıları negatif çıkmış ve iktisadi
beklentilere ve iki yanlı piyasa özelliklerine uygun davranış gösterdikleri


  • Argentesi, Elena and Filistrucchi, Lapo, (2007) "Estimating Market Power in a Two-Sided Market: The Case Of Newspapers", Journal of Applied Econometrics 22(7): 1247-1266.
  • Armstrong, Mark, (2006) "Platform Competition in Two-Sided Markets", RAND Journal of Economics 37(3): 668-691.
  • Armstrong, Mark and Wright, Julian, (2007) "Two-Sided Markets, Competitive Bottlenecks and Exclusive Contracts", Economic Theory 32(2): 353-380.
  • Bodammer, Imme, (2009) “The Waterbed Effect Explained in Relation to Roaming: An Economics Perspective” , (20 May 2018).
  • Breusch, Trevor Stanley and Pagan, Adrian, (1980) “The Lagrange Multiplier Test And its Applications To Model Specification in Econometrics” , The Review of Economic Studies 47(1): 239-253.
  • Brito, Duarte, Pereira, Pedro and Vareda, João, (2013) "Network Neutrality Under ISP Duopoly: On The Ability To Assign Capacity", Working Papers, University of Evora, CEFAGE-UE .
  • Caillaud, Bernard and Bruno, Jullien, (2003) "Chicken & Egg: Competition Among Intermediation Service Providers", RAND Journal of Economics 34(2): 309-328.
  • Chandra, Ambarish and Allan, Collard-Wexler, (2009) "Mergers in Two-Sided Markets: An Application to the Canadian Newspaper Industry", Journal of Economics and Management Strategy 18(4): 1045-1070.
  • Channer, Evona, (2010) “Staff opinion on the competitive dynamics of call termination provision. Staff Report” , Fair Trading Commission. (10 May 2018).
  • Cunningham, Brendan, Peter, Alexander and Adam, Candeub, (2010) “Network Growth: Theory And Evidence From The Mobile Telephone Industry” , Information Economics and Policy 22(1): 91-102.
  • Doganoglu, Toker and Julian, Wright, (2006) "Multihoming And Compatibility", International Journal of Industrial Organization 24(1): 45-67.
  • Economides, Nicholas and Joacim, TÂg, (2012) "Network Neutrality On The Internet: A Two-Sided Market Analysis", Information Economics and Policy 24(2): 91-104.
  • Eisenmann, Thomas, Parker, Geoffrey and Marshall, Van Alstyne, (2006) "Strategies For Two-Sided Markets", Harvard Business Review 84(10): 92-98.
  • Eisenmann, Thomas, Parker, Geoffrey and Marshall, Van Alstyne, (2011a) "Opening Platforms: How, When And Why?" , Platforms, Markets and Innovation 6: 131-139.
  • Eisenmann, Thomas, Parker, Geoffrey and Marshall, Van Alstyne, (2011b) "Platform Envelopment". Strategic Management Journal, 32(12): 1270-1285.
  • Evans, David, (2003) "Antitrust Economics of Multi-Sided Platform Markets", Yale Journal on Regulation 20: 325-431.
  • Evans, David and Richard, Schmalensee, (2005) "The Industrial Organization Of Markets With Two-Sided Platforms", Working Paper Available at SSRN: or
  • Filistrucchi, Lapo, Klein,Tobias and Thomas, Michielsen, (2012) "Assessing Unilateral Merger Effects in a Two-Sided Market: An Application to the Dutch Daily Newspaper Market", Journal of Competition Law and Economics 8(2): 297-329.
  • Gao, Ming, (2018) “Platform Pricing In Mixed Two‐Sided Markets” , International Economic Review 59: 1103-1129.
  • Genakos, Christos and Tommaso, Vallett, (2012) "Regulating Prices in Two-Sided Markets: The Waterbed Experience in Mobile Telephony", Telecommunications Policy 36(5): 360-368.
  • Genakos, Christos and Tommaso, Valletti, (2015) “Evaluating A Decade Of Mobile Termination Rate Regulation” , Economic Journal, 125(586).
  • Genakos, Christos and Tommaso, Valletti, (2011) “Testing The ‘Waterbed’ Effect in Mobile Telecommunications” , Journal of the European Economic Association 9(6):1114–42.
  • Growitsch, Christian , Marcus, Scott and Wernick, Christian, (2010) “The Effects Of Lower Mobile Termination Rates (MTRs) On Retail Price And Demand” , Communications and Strategies 80:119-140.
  • Hagiu, Andrei, (2009) "Two-Sided Platforms: Product Variety and Pricing Structures", Journal of Economics and Management Strategy 18(4): 1011-1043.
  • Hagiu, Andrei and Hanna, Halaburda, (2013) "Expectations, Network Effects and Platform Pricing", Working Paper, Harvard University.
  • Holly, Sean and Raissi, Mehdi, (2009) “The Macroeconomic Effects of European Financial Development: a Heterogeneous Panel Analysis” , Working Paper.
  • Jeziorski, Przemys, (2012) "Effects Of Mergers in Two-Sided Markets: Examination Of The US Radio Industry", Working Paper.
  • Kaiser, Ulrich and Julian, Wright, (2006) "Price Structure in Two-Sided Markets: Evidence From The Magazine Industry", International Journal of Industrial Organization 24(1): 1-28.
  • Lee, Jongyong and Lee, Duk Hee, (2012) “Asymmetry Of Mobile Termination Rates And The Waterbed Effect”, 23rd European Regional Conference of the International Telecommunication Society, Vienna, Austria, 1-4 July 2012.
  • Lee, Robin, (2011) "Dynamic Demand Estimation in Platform and Two-Sided Markets: TheWelfare Cost of Software Incompatibility", Working Paper, Stern School of Business, New York University.
  • Lyons, Sean. (2006) , “Measuring The Benefits Of Mobile Number Portability”. Working Paper, Department of Economics, Trinity College, Dublin.
  • McCloughan, Pat and Lyons, Sean, (2006) “Accounting For ARPU: New Evidence From International Panel Data” ,Telecommunications Policy 30(10-11):521-532.
  • Nazlıoğlu, Saban, (2010) Makro İktisat Politikalarının Tarım Sektörü Üzerindeki Etkileri: Gelişmiş ve Gelişmekte Olan Ülkeler İçin Bir Karşılaştırma, Basılmamış Doktora Tezi, Kayseri: Erciyes Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü.
  • Pesaran, Hasmen, Ullah, Aman and Yamagata, Takashi, (2008) “A Bias‐Adjusted LM Test Of Error Cross‐Section Independence” , The Econometrics Journal (11): 105-127.
  • Pesaran, Hasmen and Smith, Richard, (1995) “Estimating Long-Run Relationships From Dynamic Heterogeneous Panels” , Journal of Econometrics 68 (1): 79–113.
  • Pesaran, Hasmen, (2004) “General Diagnostic Tests For Cross Section Dependence in Panels” , Working Paper, University of Cambridge, CWPE 0435.
  • Pesaran, Hasmen, (2006) “Estimation And Inference in Large Heterogenous Panels With Multifactor Error Structure” , Econometrica, 74: 967-1012.
  • Pesaran, Hasmen, (2007) “A Simple Panel Unit Root Test In The Presence Of Cross-Section Dependence”, Journal of Applied Econometrics 22(2): 265-312.
  • Pesaran, Hasmen and Yamagata, Takashi, (2008) “Testing Slope Homogeneity in Large Panels” , Journal of Econometrics 142(1): 50-93.
  • Pesaran, Hasmen, Shin, Yongcheol and Smith, Richard, (1999) “Pooled Mean Group Estimation Of Dynamic Heterogeneous Panels” , Journal of the American Statistical Association 94 (446): 621–634.
  • Pesaran, Hasmen, Shin, Yongcheol. and Smith, Richard, (1997) “Pooled Estimation Of Long-Run Relationships in Dynamic Heterogeneous Panels” , Working Paper, University of Cambridge, Department of Applied Economics.
  • Rochet, Jean-Charles and Jean, Tirole, (2003) "Platform Competition in Two-Sided Markets", Journal of the European Economic Association 1(4): 990-1029.
  • Rochet, Jean-Charles and Jean, Tirole, (2006) "Two-Sided Markets: A Progress Report". RAND Journal of Economics 37(3): 645-667.
  • Rysman, Marc, (2009) "The Economics Of Two-Sided Markets", Journal of Economic Perspectives 23(3): 125-143.
  • Schiff, Aaron, (2008) “The ‘Waterbed’ Effect And Price Regulation” , Review of Network Economics 7(3): 392-414.
  • Shew, William, (1994) “Regulation, Competition And Prices in Cellular Telephony” , Working Paper, The American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research. No: 4329.
  • Song, Minjae, (2011) "Estimating Platform Market Power İn Two-Sided Markets With An Application To Magazine Advertising", Song, Minjae, Estimating Platform Market Power in Two-Sided Markets with an Application to Magazine Advertising (September 30, 2013). Simon School Working Paper No. FR 11-22. Available at SSRN: or
  • Tatoğlu, Ferda Yelen, (2017) Panel Zaman Serileri Analizi, İstanbul: Beta Yayınları. OECD. (2009) “TwoSided Markets”, DAF/COMP (2009) 20,
  • Valletti, Tommaso, (2006) “Mobile Call Termination: a Tale of Two-Sided Markets” , Antitrust and Regulation in the EU and US, Chapter 7, Edward Elgar Publishing.
  • Valverde, Carbo, Chakravorti, Sujit and Francisco, Fernandez, (2009) "Regulating Two-Sided Markets: An Empirical Investigation", Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago.
  • Westerlund, Joakim, (2008) “Panel Cointegration Tests Of The Fisher Effect” , Journal of Applied Econometrics 23(2): 193-223.
  • Weyl, Glen, (2010) "A Price Theory Of Multi-Sided Platforms", American Economic Review 100(4): 1642-1672.
  • Wright, Julian, (2004) "One-Sided Logic in Two-Sided Markets". Review of Network Economics 3(1): 42-63.
Toplam 53 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Mikail Kar 0000-0002-4036-7355

Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Kasım 2019
Gönderilme Tarihi 22 Şubat 2019
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2019 Cilt: 22 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Kar, M. (2019). Two Sided Markets: The Case of The Waterbed Effect in OECD Mobile Telecommunications Markets. Selçuk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Meslek Yüksekokulu Dergisi, 22(2), 383-396.

Selçuk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Meslek Yüksekokulu Dergisi Creative Commons Atıf-GayriTicari 4.0 Uluslararası Lisansı (CC BY NC) ile lisanslanmıştır.