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NATO’nun Arktik’te İklim Değişikliğini Güvenlikleştirmesi

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 20 Sayı: 47, 83 - 98, 26.04.2024


Bu çalışma, Kuzey Atlantik Antlaşması Örgütü’nün (NATO) Arktik’teki iklim değişikliğini nasıl ve neden güvenlikleştirdiğini analiz etmektedir. Çalışma, iklim değişikliğinin yalnızca Arktik’in çevresel güvenliğini tehlikeye atmakla kalmayıp, aynı zamanda bir tehdit çarpanı olarak bölgenin kaynakları ve ticaret yolları üzerindeki jeopolitik rekabeti de yoğunlaştırdığını ortaya koymaktadır. Bölgenin “iş birliği cephesinden” “rekabet alanına” doğru değişen yapısının etkisine dikkat çeken çalışma, NATO’nun artan jeopolitik rekabetle birlikte Arktik politikasında bütünsel bir yaklaşım geliştirmek için iklim değişikliğini örgütsel kimliğinin kolektif savunma boyutunun bir parçası olarak gördüğünü ele almaktadır. Kopenhag Okulu ve sosyal inşacılıktan yola çıkan çalışma, NATO’nun iklim değişikliğini örgütsel kimliği kapsamında ele almak için tehdidi somutlaştıran güvenlikleştirme söylemlerine başvurduğunu ortaya koymaktadır.


  • AKIKIE Daniel (2022). NATO and the Arctic: Theorizing NATO’s Twenty First Century Problem, Ph.D. Thesis, Harvard University, Massachusetts.
  • BALZACQ Thierry (2011). “A Theory of Securitization: Origins, Core Assumptions, and Variants”, Thierry Balzacq (ed.), Securitization Theory: How Security Problems Emerge and Dissolve, Routledge, London, 1-30.
  • BUZAN Barry WAEVER Ole and DE WILDE Jaap (1998). Security: A New Framework for Analysis, Lynne Rienner Publishers, Boulder, Colorado.
  • BYERS Michael (2017). “Crises and International Cooperation: An Arctic Case Study”, International Relations, 31:4, 375-402.
  • DEPLEDGE Duncan (2020a). “NATO and the Arctic”, The RUSI Journal, 165:5-6, 80-90.
  • DEPLEDGE Duncan (2020b). “Train Where You Expect to Fight: Why Military Exercises have Increased in the High North”, Scandinavian Journal of Military Studies, 3:1, 288-301.
  • FLOCKHART Trine (2016). “Understanding NATO through Constructivist Theorizing”, Mark Webber & Adrian Hyde-Price (eds.), Theorising NATO: New Perspectives on the Atlantic Alliance, Routledge, London, 140-160.
  • FONDAHL Gail ESPIRITU Aileen A. and IVANOVA Aytalina (2020). “Russia’s Arctic Regions and Policies”, Ken S. Coates (ed.), The Palgrave Handbook of Arctic Policy and Politics, Palgrave Macmillan, London, 195-216.
  • KEIL Kathrin (2014). “The Arctic: A New Region of Conflict? The Case of Oil and Gas”, Cooperation and Conflict, 49:2, 162-190.
  • KONYSHEV Valery and SERGUNIN Alexander (2014). “Russia’s Policies on the Territorial Disputes in the Arctic”, Journal of International Relations and Foreign Policy, 2:1, 55-83.
  • LAMAZHAPOV Erdem (2020). The Environmental in Security: Securitization Theory and Russian Environmental Security Policy, MA Thesis, University of Oslo, Oslo.
  • LAMBACH Daniel (2020). “Cooperation in the Cold-The Arctic Search and Rescue Agreement”, Joachim Weber (ed.), Handbook on Geopolitics and Security in the Arctic: The High North between Cooperation and Confrontation, Springer, Cham, 273-289.
  • MARDIKIAN Lisa and GALANI Sofia (2023). “Protecting the Arctic Indigenous Peoples’ Livelihoods in the Face of Climate Change: The Potential of Regional Human Rights Law and the Law of the Sea”, Human Rights Law Review, 23:3, 1-24.
  • TOMIĆ Miloš (2023). “Strategic Control of the Arctic and Possible Armed Conflict of the Great Powers”, Politika Nacionalne Bezbednosti, 24:1, 133-152.
  • PADRTOVÁ Barbora (2017). Securitization of the Arctic: U.S. Securitizing Actors and Their Strategies, Ph.D. Thesis, Masaryk University, Brno.
  • PARNEMO Liv Karin (2019). “Russia’s Naval Development-Grand Ambitions and Tactical Pragmatism”, The Journal of Slavic Military Studies, 32:1, 41-69.
  • SUVANTO Veera Pauliina (2016). Geopolitics of the Arctic: Challenges and Prospects, MA Thesis, University of Barcelona, Barcelona.
  • WAEVER Ole (1995). “Securitization and Desecuritization”, Ronnie D. Lipschutz (ed.), On Security, Columbia University Press, New York, 46-87.
  • WITHER James Kenneth (2021). “An Arctic Security Dilemma: Assessing and Mitigating the Risk of Unintended Armed Conflict in the High North”, European Security, 30:4, 649-666.
  • Ambassadorial Panel (2015). “Building Common Interests in the Arctic Ocean”, University of Reykjavik,, accessed 29.02.2024.
  • Ambassadorial Panel. (2016). “Building Common Interests in the Arctic Ocean”, University of Reykjavik,, accessed 29.02.2024.
  • Arctic Portal (2010). “Russian Federation’s Policy for the Arctic to 2020”,, accessed 20.09.2023.
  • BERKMAN Paul Arthur (2014). “Stability and Peace in the Arctic Ocean through Science Diplomacy”, Science & Diplomacy, 3:2,, accessed 28.01.2024.
  • CONLEY Heather A. MELINO Matthew and ALTERMAN Jon (2020). “The Ice Curtain: Russia’s Arctic Military Presence”, Center for Strategic and International Studies,, accessed 28.02.2024.
  • GORBACHEV Mikhail. (1 October 1987). “The Speech in Murmansk at the Ceremonial Meeting on the Occasion of the Presentation of the Order of Lenin and the Gold Star Medal to the City of Murmansk”,, accessed 01.03. 2024.
  • HUEBERT Rob EXNER-PIROT Heather LAJEUNESSE Adam and JAY Gulledge. “Climate Change and International Security: the Arctic as a Bellwether”, Center for Climate and Energy Solutions, May 2012,, accessed 24.10.2023.
  • HUEBERT Rob. “NATO, NORAD and the Arctic”, John Higginbotham & Jennifer Spence (eds.), North of 60: Toward a Renewed Canadian Arctic Agenda, Centre for International Governance Innovation, 2016,, accessed 24.10.2023.
  • Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. (2023). “Climate Change 2023 Synthesis Report”,, accessed 10.11.2023.
  • NATO Parliamentary Assembly (2022). “Understanding, Adapting to, and Limiting the Impact of Climate Change on Allied Civil Security, Special Report”,, accessed 12.12.2023.
  • NATO (1991). “The Alliance’s Strategic Concept”,, accessed 15.09.2023.
  • NATO (2 April 2009). “Q&A Session with NATO Secretary General Jaap de Hoop Scheffer at the NATO Youth Forum”,, accessed 25.09.2023.
  • NATO. (19 September 2009). “Speech by Prof. Dr. Rob de Wijk on NATO’s New Strategic Concept”,, accessed 10.11.2023.
  • NATO (1 October 2009). “Speech by NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen on Emerging Security Risks”,, accessed 17.11.2023.
  • NATO (29 May 2017). “Speech by NATO Deputy Secretary General Rose Gottemoeller at the NATO Parliamentary Assembly Session”,, accessed 12.10.2023.
  • NATO (18 April 2018). “Lecture by NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg at the Leiden University College”,, accessed 22.09.2023.
  • NATO (30 June 2020). “Speech by NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg at the German Institute for Global and Area Studies”,, accessed 26.10.2023.
  • NATO (2020, September 28). “NATO and the Security Implications of Climate Change”,, accessed 26.10.2023.
  • NATO (18 January 2021). “Keynote Speech by NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg at the Sciences PO Youth & Leaders Summit”,, accessed 15.09.2023.
  • NATO (4 March 2021). “Speech by NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg at the College of Europe in Bruges”,, accessed 15.10.2023.
  • NATO (31 May 2021). “Press Conference by NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg”,, accessed 15.10.2023.
  • NATO (7 June 2021). “Remarks by NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg”,, accessed 17.10.2023.
  • NATO (2 November 2021). “Remarks by NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg”., accessed 25.09.2023.
  • NATO (2022). “Strategic Concept”,, accessed 27.09.2023.
  • NATO (28 April 2022). “Opening Remarks by NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg at the NATO Youth Summit”,, accessed 5.11.2023.
  • NATO (28 June 2022). “Opening Speech by NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg at the High-Level Dialogue on Climate and Security”,, accessed 26.10.2023.
  • NATO (4 August 2022). “NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg’s Speech”,, accessed 15.10.2023.
  • NATO (24 August 2022). “NATO is Stepping Up in the High North to Keep Our People Safe”,, accessed 15.11.2023.
  • NATO (26 August 2022). “Joint Press Conference with NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg and the Prime Minister of Canada, Justin Trudeau”,, accessed 11.10.2023.
  • NATO (8 November 2022). “High-Level Discussion on Climate Security with the NATO Secretary General at COP27”,, accessed 11.10.2023.
  • NATO. (2023). “Climate Change and Security Impact Assessment”,, accessed 12.10.2023.
  • NATO (1 February 2023). “Speech by NATO Secretary at Keio University”,, accessed 12.10.2023.
  • NATO (21 March 2023). “Press Conference by NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg on the Release of His Annual Report 2022”,, accessed 12.10.2023.
  • NATO (24 March 2023). “Joint Press Point”,, accessed 12.10.2023.
  • NATO (11 July 2023). “Vilnius Summit Communiqué Issued by NATO Heads of State and Government”,, accessed 15.11.2023.
  • PEIMANI Hooman. “Melting of the Arctic Sea Ice”, Asia-Pacific Energy Research Centre, November 2015,, accessed 20.10. 2023.
  • SFRAGA Mike and DURKEE Jack (eds.). “Navigating the Arctic’s 7Cs”, Wilson Center, 2021,, accessed 20.10. 2023.
  • SPRENGER Sebastian (2020). “NATO’s Camille Grand on the Alliance’s Arctic Tack”, Defense News,, accessed 15.09.2023.
  • The Arctic Institute (2023). “NATO’s Arctic Command: A Case for the Expansion of NATO’s Mission in the High North”,, accessed 28.02.2024.
  • The Globe and Mail (2014). “Hillary Clinton warns Montreal Crowd of Russia’s Increased Activity in Arctic”,, accessed 12.10. 2023.
  • U.S. Geological Survey (2008). “Circum-Arctic Resource Appraisal: Estimates of Undiscovered Oil and Gas North of the Arctic Circle”,, accessed 12.10. 2023.
  • VORONKOV Lev (2013). “The Arctic for Eight”,, accessed 11.10.2023.
  • ZANDEE Dick KIMBERLEY Kruijver and STOETMAN Adája. “The Future of Arctic Security”, Clingendael Report, April 2020,, accessed 20.10. 2023.

NATO’s Securitisation of Climate Change in the Arctic

Yıl 2024, Cilt: 20 Sayı: 47, 83 - 98, 26.04.2024


This study analyses how and why the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) securitises climate change in the Arctic. The study recognises that climate change has not only endangered the environmental security of the Arctic but has also intensified geopolitical competition over the region’s resources and trade routes as a threat multiplier. Regarding the impact of the changing structure of the region from the “cooperation front” to the “competition area”, the study reveals that NATO considers climate change as a part of the collective defence dimension of its organizational identity, along with increasing geopolitical competition, to develop an integrated approach in its Arctic policy. Drawing on the Copenhagen School and social constructivism, the study presents that NATO resorts to securitisation discourses that concretise the threat to address climate change within the scope of its organizational identity.


  • AKIKIE Daniel (2022). NATO and the Arctic: Theorizing NATO’s Twenty First Century Problem, Ph.D. Thesis, Harvard University, Massachusetts.
  • BALZACQ Thierry (2011). “A Theory of Securitization: Origins, Core Assumptions, and Variants”, Thierry Balzacq (ed.), Securitization Theory: How Security Problems Emerge and Dissolve, Routledge, London, 1-30.
  • BUZAN Barry WAEVER Ole and DE WILDE Jaap (1998). Security: A New Framework for Analysis, Lynne Rienner Publishers, Boulder, Colorado.
  • BYERS Michael (2017). “Crises and International Cooperation: An Arctic Case Study”, International Relations, 31:4, 375-402.
  • DEPLEDGE Duncan (2020a). “NATO and the Arctic”, The RUSI Journal, 165:5-6, 80-90.
  • DEPLEDGE Duncan (2020b). “Train Where You Expect to Fight: Why Military Exercises have Increased in the High North”, Scandinavian Journal of Military Studies, 3:1, 288-301.
  • FLOCKHART Trine (2016). “Understanding NATO through Constructivist Theorizing”, Mark Webber & Adrian Hyde-Price (eds.), Theorising NATO: New Perspectives on the Atlantic Alliance, Routledge, London, 140-160.
  • FONDAHL Gail ESPIRITU Aileen A. and IVANOVA Aytalina (2020). “Russia’s Arctic Regions and Policies”, Ken S. Coates (ed.), The Palgrave Handbook of Arctic Policy and Politics, Palgrave Macmillan, London, 195-216.
  • KEIL Kathrin (2014). “The Arctic: A New Region of Conflict? The Case of Oil and Gas”, Cooperation and Conflict, 49:2, 162-190.
  • KONYSHEV Valery and SERGUNIN Alexander (2014). “Russia’s Policies on the Territorial Disputes in the Arctic”, Journal of International Relations and Foreign Policy, 2:1, 55-83.
  • LAMAZHAPOV Erdem (2020). The Environmental in Security: Securitization Theory and Russian Environmental Security Policy, MA Thesis, University of Oslo, Oslo.
  • LAMBACH Daniel (2020). “Cooperation in the Cold-The Arctic Search and Rescue Agreement”, Joachim Weber (ed.), Handbook on Geopolitics and Security in the Arctic: The High North between Cooperation and Confrontation, Springer, Cham, 273-289.
  • MARDIKIAN Lisa and GALANI Sofia (2023). “Protecting the Arctic Indigenous Peoples’ Livelihoods in the Face of Climate Change: The Potential of Regional Human Rights Law and the Law of the Sea”, Human Rights Law Review, 23:3, 1-24.
  • TOMIĆ Miloš (2023). “Strategic Control of the Arctic and Possible Armed Conflict of the Great Powers”, Politika Nacionalne Bezbednosti, 24:1, 133-152.
  • PADRTOVÁ Barbora (2017). Securitization of the Arctic: U.S. Securitizing Actors and Their Strategies, Ph.D. Thesis, Masaryk University, Brno.
  • PARNEMO Liv Karin (2019). “Russia’s Naval Development-Grand Ambitions and Tactical Pragmatism”, The Journal of Slavic Military Studies, 32:1, 41-69.
  • SUVANTO Veera Pauliina (2016). Geopolitics of the Arctic: Challenges and Prospects, MA Thesis, University of Barcelona, Barcelona.
  • WAEVER Ole (1995). “Securitization and Desecuritization”, Ronnie D. Lipschutz (ed.), On Security, Columbia University Press, New York, 46-87.
  • WITHER James Kenneth (2021). “An Arctic Security Dilemma: Assessing and Mitigating the Risk of Unintended Armed Conflict in the High North”, European Security, 30:4, 649-666.
  • Ambassadorial Panel (2015). “Building Common Interests in the Arctic Ocean”, University of Reykjavik,, accessed 29.02.2024.
  • Ambassadorial Panel. (2016). “Building Common Interests in the Arctic Ocean”, University of Reykjavik,, accessed 29.02.2024.
  • Arctic Portal (2010). “Russian Federation’s Policy for the Arctic to 2020”,, accessed 20.09.2023.
  • BERKMAN Paul Arthur (2014). “Stability and Peace in the Arctic Ocean through Science Diplomacy”, Science & Diplomacy, 3:2,, accessed 28.01.2024.
  • CONLEY Heather A. MELINO Matthew and ALTERMAN Jon (2020). “The Ice Curtain: Russia’s Arctic Military Presence”, Center for Strategic and International Studies,, accessed 28.02.2024.
  • GORBACHEV Mikhail. (1 October 1987). “The Speech in Murmansk at the Ceremonial Meeting on the Occasion of the Presentation of the Order of Lenin and the Gold Star Medal to the City of Murmansk”,, accessed 01.03. 2024.
  • HUEBERT Rob EXNER-PIROT Heather LAJEUNESSE Adam and JAY Gulledge. “Climate Change and International Security: the Arctic as a Bellwether”, Center for Climate and Energy Solutions, May 2012,, accessed 24.10.2023.
  • HUEBERT Rob. “NATO, NORAD and the Arctic”, John Higginbotham & Jennifer Spence (eds.), North of 60: Toward a Renewed Canadian Arctic Agenda, Centre for International Governance Innovation, 2016,, accessed 24.10.2023.
  • Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. (2023). “Climate Change 2023 Synthesis Report”,, accessed 10.11.2023.
  • NATO Parliamentary Assembly (2022). “Understanding, Adapting to, and Limiting the Impact of Climate Change on Allied Civil Security, Special Report”,, accessed 12.12.2023.
  • NATO (1991). “The Alliance’s Strategic Concept”,, accessed 15.09.2023.
  • NATO (2 April 2009). “Q&A Session with NATO Secretary General Jaap de Hoop Scheffer at the NATO Youth Forum”,, accessed 25.09.2023.
  • NATO. (19 September 2009). “Speech by Prof. Dr. Rob de Wijk on NATO’s New Strategic Concept”,, accessed 10.11.2023.
  • NATO (1 October 2009). “Speech by NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen on Emerging Security Risks”,, accessed 17.11.2023.
  • NATO (29 May 2017). “Speech by NATO Deputy Secretary General Rose Gottemoeller at the NATO Parliamentary Assembly Session”,, accessed 12.10.2023.
  • NATO (18 April 2018). “Lecture by NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg at the Leiden University College”,, accessed 22.09.2023.
  • NATO (30 June 2020). “Speech by NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg at the German Institute for Global and Area Studies”,, accessed 26.10.2023.
  • NATO (2020, September 28). “NATO and the Security Implications of Climate Change”,, accessed 26.10.2023.
  • NATO (18 January 2021). “Keynote Speech by NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg at the Sciences PO Youth & Leaders Summit”,, accessed 15.09.2023.
  • NATO (4 March 2021). “Speech by NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg at the College of Europe in Bruges”,, accessed 15.10.2023.
  • NATO (31 May 2021). “Press Conference by NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg”,, accessed 15.10.2023.
  • NATO (7 June 2021). “Remarks by NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg”,, accessed 17.10.2023.
  • NATO (2 November 2021). “Remarks by NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg”., accessed 25.09.2023.
  • NATO (2022). “Strategic Concept”,, accessed 27.09.2023.
  • NATO (28 April 2022). “Opening Remarks by NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg at the NATO Youth Summit”,, accessed 5.11.2023.
  • NATO (28 June 2022). “Opening Speech by NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg at the High-Level Dialogue on Climate and Security”,, accessed 26.10.2023.
  • NATO (4 August 2022). “NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg’s Speech”,, accessed 15.10.2023.
  • NATO (24 August 2022). “NATO is Stepping Up in the High North to Keep Our People Safe”,, accessed 15.11.2023.
  • NATO (26 August 2022). “Joint Press Conference with NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg and the Prime Minister of Canada, Justin Trudeau”,, accessed 11.10.2023.
  • NATO (8 November 2022). “High-Level Discussion on Climate Security with the NATO Secretary General at COP27”,, accessed 11.10.2023.
  • NATO. (2023). “Climate Change and Security Impact Assessment”,, accessed 12.10.2023.
  • NATO (1 February 2023). “Speech by NATO Secretary at Keio University”,, accessed 12.10.2023.
  • NATO (21 March 2023). “Press Conference by NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg on the Release of His Annual Report 2022”,, accessed 12.10.2023.
  • NATO (24 March 2023). “Joint Press Point”,, accessed 12.10.2023.
  • NATO (11 July 2023). “Vilnius Summit Communiqué Issued by NATO Heads of State and Government”,, accessed 15.11.2023.
  • PEIMANI Hooman. “Melting of the Arctic Sea Ice”, Asia-Pacific Energy Research Centre, November 2015,, accessed 20.10. 2023.
  • SFRAGA Mike and DURKEE Jack (eds.). “Navigating the Arctic’s 7Cs”, Wilson Center, 2021,, accessed 20.10. 2023.
  • SPRENGER Sebastian (2020). “NATO’s Camille Grand on the Alliance’s Arctic Tack”, Defense News,, accessed 15.09.2023.
  • The Arctic Institute (2023). “NATO’s Arctic Command: A Case for the Expansion of NATO’s Mission in the High North”,, accessed 28.02.2024.
  • The Globe and Mail (2014). “Hillary Clinton warns Montreal Crowd of Russia’s Increased Activity in Arctic”,, accessed 12.10. 2023.
  • U.S. Geological Survey (2008). “Circum-Arctic Resource Appraisal: Estimates of Undiscovered Oil and Gas North of the Arctic Circle”,, accessed 12.10. 2023.
  • VORONKOV Lev (2013). “The Arctic for Eight”,, accessed 11.10.2023.
  • ZANDEE Dick KIMBERLEY Kruijver and STOETMAN Adája. “The Future of Arctic Security”, Clingendael Report, April 2020,, accessed 20.10. 2023.
Toplam 62 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Uluslararası Güvenlik
Bölüm Makaleler

Sevgi Balkan Şahin 0000-0001-7227-4359

Özge Çetiner 0000-0002-4243-2624

Yayımlanma Tarihi 26 Nisan 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 2 Şubat 2024
Kabul Tarihi 1 Nisan 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2024 Cilt: 20 Sayı: 47

Kaynak Göster

Chicago Balkan Şahin, Sevgi, ve Özge Çetiner. “NATO’s Securitisation of Climate Change in the Arctic”. Güvenlik Stratejileri Dergisi 20, sy. 47 (Nisan 2024): 83-98.