Research Article
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Year 2020, Volume: 5 Issue: 2, 201 - 224, 30.06.2020


Hizmet sektöründe üretim ve tüketim aynı anda gerçekleşmekte yani eş zamanlı olmaktadır. Müşteri, hizmet sunulurken yaşanabilecek tüm aksaklıkları ya da hataları o anda fark etmektedir. Bundan dolayı ortaya çıkan hizmet hataları kolayca saklanamamakta, istenmese bile müşteriye yansıtılmaktadır. Bu çalışmada, konaklama hizmetlerinde hizmet sunumuna katılan müşterilerin hizmet hatası ile karşılaştıklarında atfetme eğilimlerinin ne olacağının belirlenmesi ve müşteri katılımının atfetmeye etkisinin duygusal zeka ve içsel kontrol odağı perspektifinden incelenmesi hedeflenmiştir. Bu amaçla çalışma kapsamında senaryo tekniği ve literatürde yer alan hazır ölçekler kullanılmıştır. Örneklemi konaklama işletmelerinde konaklama yapabilecek toplam 613 müşteri oluşturmaktadır. Araştırmanın sonuçlarına göre, hizmet hatalarından konaklama işletmesi çalışanını sorumlu tutan müşterilerin prosedürel ve dağıtımsal adalet beklentisinin yüksek olduğu, hizmet hatalarında müşteri katılımının olduğu durumlarda duygusal zeka ile atıfta bulunma arasında bir ilişkinin olduğu, içsel kontrol odağı ile atıfta bulunma arasında herhangi bir ilişkinin olmadığı, müşterinin dışsal atıfta bulunduğu durumlarda şikayet etme eğilimlerinin ve negatif WOM eğilimlerinin yüksek olduğu sonucuna ulaşılmıştır.


  • ANDREASSEN, T. W. (2000). Antecedents to Satisfaction with Service Recovery, European Journal of Marketing, 34 (1/2), 156-175. BAR-ON, R. (1997). “Emotional Quotient Inventory: User’s Manual”, Multi-Health Systems, New York, NY. BARAKAT, L. L., RAMSEY, J. R., LORENZ, M. P.,ve Gosling, M. (2015). Severe service failure recovery revisited: Evidence of its determinants in an emerging market context. International Journal of Research in Marketing, 32(1), 113-116. BELL, H.A. (2011). “A Contemporrary Framework for Emotions in Consumer Decision-Making: Moving Beyond Traditional Models”, International Journal of Business and Social Science, 2 (17), 12-16. BİTNER, M. J., BOOMS, B. H., ve MOHR, L. A. (1994). Critical service encounters: The employee's viewpoint. Journal of marketing, 58(4), 95-106. BLODGETT J. G., HİLL D. J. ve TAX S. S. (1997). The Effects Of Distributive, Procedural And İnteractional Justice on Postcomplaint Behavior. Journal Of Retailing, 73(2), 185– 210. BODİLL, K., ve ROBERTS, L. D. (2013). Implicit theories of intelligence and academic locus of control as predictors of studying behaviour. Learning and Individual Differences, 27, 163-166.
  • BOZ, H., ve KOC, E. (2019). Service quality, emotion recognition, emotional intelligence and Dunning Kruger syndrome. Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, 1-14. BRACKETT, M.A. ve SALOVEY, P. (2006). Measuring emotional intelligence with the Mayer-Salovey-Caruso Emotional Intelligence Test (MSCEIT). Psicothema, 18, supl., 34-41. BROTHERİDGE, C.M. (2006). The role of emotional intelligence and other individual difference variables in predicting emotional labor relative to situational demands. Psicothema, 18, supl., 139-144. CERMAK, D.S.P., FİLE, K.M. ve PRİNCE, R.A. (1994). “Customer participation in service specification and delivery”, Journal of Applied Business Research, Vol. 10 No. 2, pp. 90-97. CHAN, K. W., YİM, C. K., ve LAM, S. S. (2010). Is customer participation in value creation a double-edged sword? Evidence from professional financial services across cultures. Journal of marketing, 74(3), 48-64. CHANG, L. ve S, HUNG. (2013). “Adoption and Loyalty toward Low Cost Carriers: The Case of Taipei-Singapore Passengers.” Transportation Research: Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review 50:29–36. CHEN, C.C.V. ve CHEN, C.J. (2017). “The role of customer participation for enhancing repurchase intention”, Management Decision, Vol. 55 No. 3, pp. 547-562. CHEN, C.Y. (2018). How customer participation influences service failure attribution: The moderating effect of self-efficacy. Journal of Service Theory and Practice, 28(3), 298-314. CROPANZANO, R., PREHAR, C. A. ve CHEN, P.Y. (2002). “Using Social Exchange Theory To Distinguish Procedural From Interactional Justice”, Group & Organization Management, 27 (3), 324-351. DARVİSHMOTEVALİ, M., ALTİNAY, L., ve DE VİTA, G. (2018). Emotional intelligence and creative perform- ance: Looking through the lens of environmental uncertainty and cultural intelligence. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 73, 44–54. DONG, B. ve SİVAKUMAR, K. (2015). “A process-output classification for customer participation in services”, Journal of Service Management, Vol. 26 No. 5, pp. 726-750. FAZEY, D. M., ve FAZEY, J. A. (2001). The potential for autonomy in learning: Perceptions of competence, motivation and locus of control in first-year undergraduate students. Studies in Higher Education, 26(3), 345-361. GALVAGNO, M. ve DALLİ, D. (2014). “Theory Of Value Co-Creation: A Systematic Literature Review”, Managing Service Quality, Vol. 24 No. 6, pp. 643-683. GELBRİCH, K. ve ROSCHK, H. (2011). “A Meta-analysis of Organizational Complaint Handling and Customer Responses.” Journal of Service Research 14 (1): 24– 43. GOLEMAN, D. (1998). Working with emotional intelligence. New York: Bantam. GOLEMAN, D. (2014). Duygusal Zeka Neden IQ’dan Daha Önemlidir? (39. Baskı), Varlık Yayınları, Ankara. HAİR, J. F., BLACK, W. C, BABİN, B. J. and ANDERSON, R. E. (2010), Multivariate Data Analysis, 7th Edition, Upper Saddle River, Nj: Prentice Hall. pp. 207-219. HEİDER, F. (1958). The Psychology of Interpersonal Relations, Wiley, New York, NY. HEİDER, F. (2013). The psychology of interpersonal relations. Psychology Press. HERSON, R.M. (2011). Perspective Taking, Empathy and Problem Solving in Service Failure and Recovery Efforts: The Impact on Customer Satisfaction, Loyalty and Negative Word-of-Mouth, Hofstra University, Doctoral Dissertation. HESS, R.L., GANESAN, S. ve KLEİN, N.M. (2007). “Interactional Service Failures In A Pseudorelationship: The Role of Organizational Attributions”, Journal of Retailing, Volume 83, Issue 1, pp:79-95. HOFFMAN, K.D. ve KELLEY, S.W. (2000). “Perceived Justice Needs And Recovery Evaluation: A Contingency Approach”, European Journal of Marketing, 34(3/4), 418-432. JOHNSTON, T.C. ve HEWA, M.A. (1997), ``Fixing service failures'', Industrial Marketing Management, Vol. 26, pp. 467-73. JÖRESKOG, K. ve SÖRBOM, D. (2006). Interactive LISREL 8: Structural Equation Modeling With The SIMPLIS Command Language. Chicago, IL: Scientific Software International. JUNG, H. S., ve YOON, H. H. (2012). The effects of emotional intelligence on counterproductive work behaviors and organizational citizen behaviors among food and beverage employees in a deluxe hotel. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 31(2), 369–378. JUNG, H. S., ve YOON, H. H. (2014). Moderating role of hotel employees’ gender and job position on the relationship between emotional intelligence and emotional labor. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 43, 47–52. KANDAMPULLY Jay and SUHARTANTO Dwi; (2000), “Customer Loyalty İn The Hotel Industry: The Role Of Customer Satisfaction And İmage”, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, Vol. 12, Iss 6, pp. 346-351. KAU, A.K. ve LOH, E.W. (2006). “The Effects of Service Recovery on Consumer Satisfaction: A Comparison Between Complainants and Non-Complainants”, Journal of Services Marketing, 20(2), 101–111 KEAVENEY, S. M. (1995). Customer switching behavior in service industries: An exploratory study. The Journal of Marketing, 71–82. KİDWELL, B., HARDESTY, D.M. ve CHİLDERS, T.L. (2008). “Consumer Emotional Intelligence: Conceptualization, Measurement, and The Prediction of Consumer Decision Making”, Journal of Consumer Research, 35 (1), 154-166. KİM, T., KİM, W.G. ve KİM, H.B. (2009). “The Effects of Perceived Justice on Recovery Satisfaction, Trust, Word-of-Mouth, and Revisit Intention in Upscale Hotels”, Tourism Management, Vol. 30, pp. 51-62. KİM, W., OK, C. ve CANTER, D. D. (2012). Moderating Role Of A Priori Customer– Firm Relationship İn Service Recovery Situations. The Service Industries Journal, 32(1), 59-82. KOÇ, E. (2016). Hizmet Pazarlaması ve Yönetimi: global ve yerel yaklaşım. İstanbul: Seçkin Yayıncılık. KOC, E. (Ed.). (2017). Service failures and recovery in tourism and hospitality: A practical manual. CABI. KOC, E., ULUKOY, M., KİLİC, R., YUMUSAK, S. ve BAHAR, R. (2017). “The influence of customer participation on service failure perceptions”, Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, Vol. 28 Nos 3/4, pp. 390-404. KOC, E. (2019a). Service failures and recovery in hospitality and tourism: a review of literature and recommendations for future research. Journal of Hospitality Marketing & Management, 28(5), 513-537.
  • KOC, E. (Ed.). (2019b). Emotional intelligence in tourism and hospitality. CABI.
  • KOC, E. (2019c). Do Women Make Better in Tourism and Hospitality? A Conceptual Review from A Customer Satisfaction and Service Quality Perspective. Journal of Quality Assurance in Hospitality & Tourism, 1-28.
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Year 2020, Volume: 5 Issue: 2, 201 - 224, 30.06.2020



  • ANDREASSEN, T. W. (2000). Antecedents to Satisfaction with Service Recovery, European Journal of Marketing, 34 (1/2), 156-175. BAR-ON, R. (1997). “Emotional Quotient Inventory: User’s Manual”, Multi-Health Systems, New York, NY. BARAKAT, L. L., RAMSEY, J. R., LORENZ, M. P.,ve Gosling, M. (2015). Severe service failure recovery revisited: Evidence of its determinants in an emerging market context. International Journal of Research in Marketing, 32(1), 113-116. BELL, H.A. (2011). “A Contemporrary Framework for Emotions in Consumer Decision-Making: Moving Beyond Traditional Models”, International Journal of Business and Social Science, 2 (17), 12-16. BİTNER, M. J., BOOMS, B. H., ve MOHR, L. A. (1994). Critical service encounters: The employee's viewpoint. Journal of marketing, 58(4), 95-106. BLODGETT J. G., HİLL D. J. ve TAX S. S. (1997). The Effects Of Distributive, Procedural And İnteractional Justice on Postcomplaint Behavior. Journal Of Retailing, 73(2), 185– 210. BODİLL, K., ve ROBERTS, L. D. (2013). Implicit theories of intelligence and academic locus of control as predictors of studying behaviour. Learning and Individual Differences, 27, 163-166.
  • BOZ, H., ve KOC, E. (2019). Service quality, emotion recognition, emotional intelligence and Dunning Kruger syndrome. Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, 1-14. BRACKETT, M.A. ve SALOVEY, P. (2006). Measuring emotional intelligence with the Mayer-Salovey-Caruso Emotional Intelligence Test (MSCEIT). Psicothema, 18, supl., 34-41. BROTHERİDGE, C.M. (2006). The role of emotional intelligence and other individual difference variables in predicting emotional labor relative to situational demands. Psicothema, 18, supl., 139-144. CERMAK, D.S.P., FİLE, K.M. ve PRİNCE, R.A. (1994). “Customer participation in service specification and delivery”, Journal of Applied Business Research, Vol. 10 No. 2, pp. 90-97. CHAN, K. W., YİM, C. K., ve LAM, S. S. (2010). Is customer participation in value creation a double-edged sword? Evidence from professional financial services across cultures. Journal of marketing, 74(3), 48-64. CHANG, L. ve S, HUNG. (2013). “Adoption and Loyalty toward Low Cost Carriers: The Case of Taipei-Singapore Passengers.” Transportation Research: Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review 50:29–36. CHEN, C.C.V. ve CHEN, C.J. (2017). “The role of customer participation for enhancing repurchase intention”, Management Decision, Vol. 55 No. 3, pp. 547-562. CHEN, C.Y. (2018). How customer participation influences service failure attribution: The moderating effect of self-efficacy. Journal of Service Theory and Practice, 28(3), 298-314. CROPANZANO, R., PREHAR, C. A. ve CHEN, P.Y. (2002). “Using Social Exchange Theory To Distinguish Procedural From Interactional Justice”, Group & Organization Management, 27 (3), 324-351. DARVİSHMOTEVALİ, M., ALTİNAY, L., ve DE VİTA, G. (2018). Emotional intelligence and creative perform- ance: Looking through the lens of environmental uncertainty and cultural intelligence. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 73, 44–54. DONG, B. ve SİVAKUMAR, K. (2015). “A process-output classification for customer participation in services”, Journal of Service Management, Vol. 26 No. 5, pp. 726-750. FAZEY, D. M., ve FAZEY, J. A. (2001). The potential for autonomy in learning: Perceptions of competence, motivation and locus of control in first-year undergraduate students. Studies in Higher Education, 26(3), 345-361. GALVAGNO, M. ve DALLİ, D. (2014). “Theory Of Value Co-Creation: A Systematic Literature Review”, Managing Service Quality, Vol. 24 No. 6, pp. 643-683. GELBRİCH, K. ve ROSCHK, H. (2011). “A Meta-analysis of Organizational Complaint Handling and Customer Responses.” Journal of Service Research 14 (1): 24– 43. GOLEMAN, D. (1998). Working with emotional intelligence. New York: Bantam. GOLEMAN, D. (2014). Duygusal Zeka Neden IQ’dan Daha Önemlidir? (39. Baskı), Varlık Yayınları, Ankara. HAİR, J. F., BLACK, W. C, BABİN, B. J. and ANDERSON, R. E. (2010), Multivariate Data Analysis, 7th Edition, Upper Saddle River, Nj: Prentice Hall. pp. 207-219. HEİDER, F. (1958). The Psychology of Interpersonal Relations, Wiley, New York, NY. HEİDER, F. (2013). The psychology of interpersonal relations. Psychology Press. HERSON, R.M. (2011). Perspective Taking, Empathy and Problem Solving in Service Failure and Recovery Efforts: The Impact on Customer Satisfaction, Loyalty and Negative Word-of-Mouth, Hofstra University, Doctoral Dissertation. HESS, R.L., GANESAN, S. ve KLEİN, N.M. (2007). “Interactional Service Failures In A Pseudorelationship: The Role of Organizational Attributions”, Journal of Retailing, Volume 83, Issue 1, pp:79-95. HOFFMAN, K.D. ve KELLEY, S.W. (2000). “Perceived Justice Needs And Recovery Evaluation: A Contingency Approach”, European Journal of Marketing, 34(3/4), 418-432. JOHNSTON, T.C. ve HEWA, M.A. (1997), ``Fixing service failures'', Industrial Marketing Management, Vol. 26, pp. 467-73. JÖRESKOG, K. ve SÖRBOM, D. (2006). Interactive LISREL 8: Structural Equation Modeling With The SIMPLIS Command Language. Chicago, IL: Scientific Software International. JUNG, H. S., ve YOON, H. H. (2012). The effects of emotional intelligence on counterproductive work behaviors and organizational citizen behaviors among food and beverage employees in a deluxe hotel. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 31(2), 369–378. JUNG, H. S., ve YOON, H. H. (2014). Moderating role of hotel employees’ gender and job position on the relationship between emotional intelligence and emotional labor. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 43, 47–52. KANDAMPULLY Jay and SUHARTANTO Dwi; (2000), “Customer Loyalty İn The Hotel Industry: The Role Of Customer Satisfaction And İmage”, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, Vol. 12, Iss 6, pp. 346-351. KAU, A.K. ve LOH, E.W. (2006). “The Effects of Service Recovery on Consumer Satisfaction: A Comparison Between Complainants and Non-Complainants”, Journal of Services Marketing, 20(2), 101–111 KEAVENEY, S. M. (1995). Customer switching behavior in service industries: An exploratory study. The Journal of Marketing, 71–82. KİDWELL, B., HARDESTY, D.M. ve CHİLDERS, T.L. (2008). “Consumer Emotional Intelligence: Conceptualization, Measurement, and The Prediction of Consumer Decision Making”, Journal of Consumer Research, 35 (1), 154-166. KİM, T., KİM, W.G. ve KİM, H.B. (2009). “The Effects of Perceived Justice on Recovery Satisfaction, Trust, Word-of-Mouth, and Revisit Intention in Upscale Hotels”, Tourism Management, Vol. 30, pp. 51-62. KİM, W., OK, C. ve CANTER, D. D. (2012). Moderating Role Of A Priori Customer– Firm Relationship İn Service Recovery Situations. The Service Industries Journal, 32(1), 59-82. KOÇ, E. (2016). Hizmet Pazarlaması ve Yönetimi: global ve yerel yaklaşım. İstanbul: Seçkin Yayıncılık. KOC, E. (Ed.). (2017). Service failures and recovery in tourism and hospitality: A practical manual. CABI. KOC, E., ULUKOY, M., KİLİC, R., YUMUSAK, S. ve BAHAR, R. (2017). “The influence of customer participation on service failure perceptions”, Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, Vol. 28 Nos 3/4, pp. 390-404. KOC, E. (2019a). Service failures and recovery in hospitality and tourism: a review of literature and recommendations for future research. Journal of Hospitality Marketing & Management, 28(5), 513-537.
  • KOC, E. (Ed.). (2019b). Emotional intelligence in tourism and hospitality. CABI.
  • KOC, E. (2019c). Do Women Make Better in Tourism and Hospitality? A Conceptual Review from A Customer Satisfaction and Service Quality Perspective. Journal of Quality Assurance in Hospitality & Tourism, 1-28.
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There are 6 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Business Administration
Journal Section Araştırma Makaleleri

Bilge Villi

Erdoğan Koç

Publication Date June 30, 2020
Submission Date March 4, 2020
Acceptance Date June 29, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020 Volume: 5 Issue: 2
