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Year 2019, Volume: 28 Issue: 2, 312 - 326, 15.10.2019


milyarlarca insan tarafından, iletişim için, yoğun olarak, tercih edildikçe
dijital pazarlama ve çevrimiçi reklamcılık, işletmelerin pazarlama iletişiminde
kullandıkları en önemli stratejiler haline gelmeye başlamıştır. Programatik
reklamcılık, işletme enformasyon sistemlerinde, yapay zekâ ve veri madenciliği
alanlarında yaşanan gelişmelerin bir yansıması olarak internette gelişimini
sürdüren grafik teknolojilerle büyük veri işlenerek uygulanan güncel bir
pazarlama tekniğidir. Temelde, yayıncılar ve reklam verenler tarafından sunulan
verileri, dijital ticareti platformlarda buluşturarak, tarafların otomatik,
daha hızlı ve çok daha etkili bir şekilde çevrimiçi reklam alım satımı
yapmasına yarayan bir teknolojidir. Geleneksel reklamcılığa yeni boyutlar
kazandıran teknik, gerçek zamanlı veriyi işleyerek, satın alma veya reklama
tıklama anında gerçek zamanlı tüketici ilgisine göre anlık reklam teklifleri
oluşturabilmeye imkân sağlamaktadır. Dolayısıyla bu çalışmanın öncelikli amacı,
işletmelere ve tüketicilerin çevrimiçi deneyimlerine katkı sağlayan bu tekniğin
kavramsal olarak açıklanmasını sağlayarak, henüz başlangıç aşamasındaki yazına
teorik katkı sağlamaktır. Bu amaçla bu çalışmada programatik reklamcılığın
tanım, terim, işleyiş ve temel kavramları işleyiş açısından ve teorik açıdan
incelemiştir. Bu çalışmada programatik reklamcılık reklam verenler açısından,
yayıncılar açısından ve tüketiciler açısından ele alarak değerlendirmektedir. Ayrıca
programatik reklamcılık sürecine, ekosistemine ve henüz başlangıç aşamasında olan
ilgili yazının taranmasına yer verilerek geleceğe yönelik uygulama ve çalışma
düzlemlerine doğru bir adım atılmasına çalışılmaktadır.


  • Kaynaklar Arslan, E. (2019). Sosyal Medyada Yeni Bir Reklam Modeli Olarak Kullanılan Natıve (Doğal) Reklam. PressAcademia Procedia, 9(1), 269-273. Aslam, B., & Karjaluoto, H. (2017). Digital advertising around paid spaces, E-advertising industry’s revenue engine: A review and research agenda. Telematics and Informatics, 34 (8), 1650-1662. Belanche, D., Flavián, C., & Pérez-Rueda, A. (2017). Understanding interactive online advertising: Congruence and product involvement in highly and lowly arousing, skippable video ads. Journal of Interactive Marketing, 37, 75–88. Busch, O. (2016). Programmatic advertising. Springer. Chen, Y., & Zahedi, F. M. (2016). Individuals' internet security perceptions and behaviors: Polycontextual contrasts between the United States and China. MIS Quarterly, 40 (1) Cui, Y., Zhang, R., Li, W., & Mao, J. (2011). Bid landscape forecasting in online ad ex-change marketplace. Proceedings of the 17th ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining - KDD. 11 Carrillo-Durán, María-Victoria; Rodríguez-Silgado, Ana (2018). El ecosistema programático. La nueva publicidad digital que conecta datos con personas, El profesional de la información, 27 (1), 195-201. Erdem, M. N. (2017). Dijital çağda kültür, yeni tüketici kapitalizmi ve reklam anlatısı.247-259. Gass, S.I. (2000), Making Decisions with Precision, Business Week, October 30. (, son erişim tarihi: 1 Şubat 2006.. Gilardoni, Claudia (2013). “La información ¿es poder?”. Infotecarios, 5 febrero. Godin, S. (1999). Permission marketing: Turning strangers into friends and friends into customers. Simon and Schuster. Huang, Y. (2018), The female gaze: Content composition and slot position in personalized banner ads, and how they influence visual attention in online shoppers, Computers in Human Behavior, 82, 1–15. İplikçi, H. G. ve Batu, M. (2018), Dijital İletişim ve Çocuk: Türkiye’de Çocuk Web Sitelerindeki Reklamlara Yönelik Bir İçerik Analizi, Akdeniz Üniversitesi İletişim Fakültesi Dergisi, (AKİL) Kasım (30), 242-256. Jung, Y., Pawlowski, S. D., & Kim, H. W. (2017), Exploring associations between young adults' Facebook use and psychological well-being: A goal hierarchy approach, International Journal of Information Management, 37(1), 1391-1404. Kireyev, P., Pauwels, K., & Gupta, S. (2016). Do display ads influence search? Attribution and dynamics in online advertising. International Journal of Research in Marketing, 33(3), 475–490. Leal-Rodríguez, A. L., Eldridge, S., Roldán, J. L., Leal-Millán, A. G., & Ortega-Gutiérrez, J. (2015), Organizational unlearning, innovation outcomes, and performance: The moderating effect of firm size, Journal of Business Research, 68(4), 803–809. Lee, K., Jalali, A., & Dasdan, A. (2013). Real time bid optimization with smooth budget delivery in online advertising. Proceedings of the Seventh International Workshop on Data Mining for Online Advertising - ADKDD 13 Malthouse, E. C., Maslowska, E., & Franks, J. U. (2018). Understanding programmatic TV advertising. International Journal of Advertising, 37(5), 769-784. Martínez-Martínez, Inmaculada J.; Aguado, Juan-Miguel; Boeykens, Yannick (2017). “Ethical implications of digital advertising automation: The case of programmatic advertising in Spain”. El profesional de la información, 26 (2), 201-210. Miralles-Pechuán, L., Ponce, H., & Martínez-Villaseñor, L. (2018). A novel methodology for optimizing display advertising campaigns using genetic algorithms. Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, 27, 39–51. Ning, H., Liu, H., & Yang, L. T. (2013). Cyberentity security in the internet of things. Computer, 46(4), 46e53. Palos-Sanchez, P., Martin-Velicia, F., & Saura, J. R. (2018). Complexity in the acceptance of sustainable search engines on the internet: An analysis of unobserved hetero-geneity with FIMIX-PLS. Complexity, 2018, 1–19. Palos-Sanchez, P., Saura, J. R., & Martin-Velicia, F. (2019). A study of the effects of programmatic advertising on users' concerns about privacy overtime. Journal of Business Research, 96, 61-72. Perker, B. C. (2018), Return on Investment in Mobile Marketing Applications (ROI) / Mobil Pazarlama Uygulamalarında Yatırımın Geri Dönüşü (ROI) in: Case Studies in Business and Sport Sciences, Ijopec Publication: UK. Qin, R., Yuan, Y., & Wang, F. (2017). Exploring the optimal granularity for market segmentation in RTB advertising via computational experiment approach. Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, 24, 68–83. Reczek, Rebecca, Smith, Robert and Summers, Christopher (2016) "An Audience of One: Behaviorally Targeted Ads as Implied Social Labels.". Journal of Consumer Research Rodríguez-Silgado, Ana (2017). La publicidad programática. El futuro de la publicidad digital. Trabajo fin de grado. Universidad de Extremadura. Schäfer, A.& Weiss, O. (2016), Understanding Demand-Side-Platforms” in: Programmatic advertising. Berlin, Springer International Publishing, pp. 75-86. ISBN: 978 3319250236 Shan, L., Lin, L., Sun, C., & Wang, X. (2016). Predicting ad click-through rates via feature-based fully coupled interaction tensor factorization. Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, 16, 30–42. Stevens, A., Rau, A., & McIntyre, M. (2016). Integrated campaign planning in a programmatic world. In Programmatic Advertising (pp. 193-210). Springer, Cham. Watts, M. (2016). Programmatic Advertising: Shaping Consumer Behavior or Invading Consumer Privacy? (Doctoral dissertation, The Ohio State University). IAB 2015, "Programmatic Advertising & the B2B Marketer." (2016): n. pag. Interactive Advertising Bureau, 2015. Web. IAB 2018a, IAB 2018b, IAB, 2018c, URL1, URL2,ılık-hakkında-her-şey-17f2067a475 URL3,
Year 2019, Volume: 28 Issue: 2, 312 - 326, 15.10.2019



  • Kaynaklar Arslan, E. (2019). Sosyal Medyada Yeni Bir Reklam Modeli Olarak Kullanılan Natıve (Doğal) Reklam. PressAcademia Procedia, 9(1), 269-273. Aslam, B., & Karjaluoto, H. (2017). Digital advertising around paid spaces, E-advertising industry’s revenue engine: A review and research agenda. Telematics and Informatics, 34 (8), 1650-1662. Belanche, D., Flavián, C., & Pérez-Rueda, A. (2017). Understanding interactive online advertising: Congruence and product involvement in highly and lowly arousing, skippable video ads. Journal of Interactive Marketing, 37, 75–88. Busch, O. (2016). Programmatic advertising. Springer. Chen, Y., & Zahedi, F. M. (2016). Individuals' internet security perceptions and behaviors: Polycontextual contrasts between the United States and China. MIS Quarterly, 40 (1) Cui, Y., Zhang, R., Li, W., & Mao, J. (2011). Bid landscape forecasting in online ad ex-change marketplace. Proceedings of the 17th ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining - KDD. 11 Carrillo-Durán, María-Victoria; Rodríguez-Silgado, Ana (2018). El ecosistema programático. La nueva publicidad digital que conecta datos con personas, El profesional de la información, 27 (1), 195-201. Erdem, M. N. (2017). Dijital çağda kültür, yeni tüketici kapitalizmi ve reklam anlatısı.247-259. Gass, S.I. (2000), Making Decisions with Precision, Business Week, October 30. (, son erişim tarihi: 1 Şubat 2006.. Gilardoni, Claudia (2013). “La información ¿es poder?”. Infotecarios, 5 febrero. Godin, S. (1999). Permission marketing: Turning strangers into friends and friends into customers. Simon and Schuster. Huang, Y. (2018), The female gaze: Content composition and slot position in personalized banner ads, and how they influence visual attention in online shoppers, Computers in Human Behavior, 82, 1–15. İplikçi, H. G. ve Batu, M. (2018), Dijital İletişim ve Çocuk: Türkiye’de Çocuk Web Sitelerindeki Reklamlara Yönelik Bir İçerik Analizi, Akdeniz Üniversitesi İletişim Fakültesi Dergisi, (AKİL) Kasım (30), 242-256. Jung, Y., Pawlowski, S. D., & Kim, H. W. (2017), Exploring associations between young adults' Facebook use and psychological well-being: A goal hierarchy approach, International Journal of Information Management, 37(1), 1391-1404. Kireyev, P., Pauwels, K., & Gupta, S. (2016). Do display ads influence search? Attribution and dynamics in online advertising. International Journal of Research in Marketing, 33(3), 475–490. Leal-Rodríguez, A. L., Eldridge, S., Roldán, J. L., Leal-Millán, A. G., & Ortega-Gutiérrez, J. (2015), Organizational unlearning, innovation outcomes, and performance: The moderating effect of firm size, Journal of Business Research, 68(4), 803–809. Lee, K., Jalali, A., & Dasdan, A. (2013). Real time bid optimization with smooth budget delivery in online advertising. Proceedings of the Seventh International Workshop on Data Mining for Online Advertising - ADKDD 13 Malthouse, E. C., Maslowska, E., & Franks, J. U. (2018). Understanding programmatic TV advertising. International Journal of Advertising, 37(5), 769-784. Martínez-Martínez, Inmaculada J.; Aguado, Juan-Miguel; Boeykens, Yannick (2017). “Ethical implications of digital advertising automation: The case of programmatic advertising in Spain”. El profesional de la información, 26 (2), 201-210. Miralles-Pechuán, L., Ponce, H., & Martínez-Villaseñor, L. (2018). A novel methodology for optimizing display advertising campaigns using genetic algorithms. Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, 27, 39–51. Ning, H., Liu, H., & Yang, L. T. (2013). Cyberentity security in the internet of things. Computer, 46(4), 46e53. Palos-Sanchez, P., Martin-Velicia, F., & Saura, J. R. (2018). Complexity in the acceptance of sustainable search engines on the internet: An analysis of unobserved hetero-geneity with FIMIX-PLS. Complexity, 2018, 1–19. Palos-Sanchez, P., Saura, J. R., & Martin-Velicia, F. (2019). A study of the effects of programmatic advertising on users' concerns about privacy overtime. Journal of Business Research, 96, 61-72. Perker, B. C. (2018), Return on Investment in Mobile Marketing Applications (ROI) / Mobil Pazarlama Uygulamalarında Yatırımın Geri Dönüşü (ROI) in: Case Studies in Business and Sport Sciences, Ijopec Publication: UK. Qin, R., Yuan, Y., & Wang, F. (2017). Exploring the optimal granularity for market segmentation in RTB advertising via computational experiment approach. Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, 24, 68–83. Reczek, Rebecca, Smith, Robert and Summers, Christopher (2016) "An Audience of One: Behaviorally Targeted Ads as Implied Social Labels.". Journal of Consumer Research Rodríguez-Silgado, Ana (2017). La publicidad programática. El futuro de la publicidad digital. Trabajo fin de grado. Universidad de Extremadura. Schäfer, A.& Weiss, O. (2016), Understanding Demand-Side-Platforms” in: Programmatic advertising. Berlin, Springer International Publishing, pp. 75-86. ISBN: 978 3319250236 Shan, L., Lin, L., Sun, C., & Wang, X. (2016). Predicting ad click-through rates via feature-based fully coupled interaction tensor factorization. Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, 16, 30–42. Stevens, A., Rau, A., & McIntyre, M. (2016). Integrated campaign planning in a programmatic world. In Programmatic Advertising (pp. 193-210). Springer, Cham. Watts, M. (2016). Programmatic Advertising: Shaping Consumer Behavior or Invading Consumer Privacy? (Doctoral dissertation, The Ohio State University). IAB 2015, "Programmatic Advertising & the B2B Marketer." (2016): n. pag. Interactive Advertising Bureau, 2015. Web. IAB 2018a, IAB 2018b, IAB, 2018c, URL1, URL2,ılık-hakkında-her-şey-17f2067a475 URL3,
There are 1 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Makaleler

Deniz Zeren 0000-0003-1197-5375

İsmail Keşlikli This is me 0000-0001-8222-622X

Publication Date October 15, 2019
Submission Date June 26, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019 Volume: 28 Issue: 2


APA Zeren, D., & Keşlikli, İ. (2019). PROGRAMATİK REKLAMCILIK: KAVRAM, İŞLEYİŞ VE POTANSİYELİ AÇISINDAN DEĞERLENDİRMESİ. Çukurova Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 28(2), 312-326.